Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Simple Game Series: Sink, Swim, or Float

Hi, friends!  I just love using games in my classroom.  Recently, when I attended the French Lick Teacher/Blogger Meet-Up, I led a little round table session on how I use them.  I had requests to share the games on my blog, so I will be doing so!  I posted about a game called Grudge Ball a couple weeks ago.  You can see that post HERE in case you missed it.  Today's post is about a really fun game that I just learned of this year:  Sink, Swim, or Float.

Background--A few years ago, I set up an initiative at our building called "Museum Visits."  I was sad that we never got had time to go into one another's rooms and look around/ask questions.  Each month, two people sign up for the visits. The two people sharing can share whatever they instructional practice, a behavior/classroom mgmt. tip, an organization tip, etc...Earlier this year, our 3rd grade team shared a great game called Sink, Swim, or Float.  You can play as a review for any subject/concept.  Just have some questions prepped ahead of time!

Materials: List of content questions for review, student names on sticks in a cup, dry erase boards {optional}

Game play:  Divide the class into two equal groups.  Take turns asking teams a question.  Allow think time.  If using dry erase boards, have kids respond by writing their answers.  Allow discussion time so students can compare their answers and make sure all teammates have the correct answer.  Draw a name stick.  The name you chose will be the person answering the question.  If they are correct, they can do one of three things:

1.  Sink a team member from the opposite team-That person has to sit down
2.  Swim a team member over from the opposite team-Select someone to come over and join the team
3.  Float a team member who has been sunk-A teammate who has sat down can get back up and re-join the game

If the team answers in-correctly, the person who gave the answer is sunk.  The winning team has the most standing members at the end!  Easy-Peasy!

To get a copy of the printable directions, click HERE.  Enjoy!!



Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I tried this today. The kids loved it!

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