Hi everyone! I hope you're enjoying your summer or are GETTING READY to enjoy it! I have 1.5 days left with kids and then 2 work/meeting days. Just popping in tonight with a post about what we've been up to! It's a long one, so grab your drink and enjoy the read! *There might be a freebie at the end!
My in-laws were in town last week and we were super busy! Luckily my mother in law helped me with a few projects that I wanted to finish up before school is out. She assembled my data binders for me! That's a job that always takes some time. I like to have the binders assembled in the spring before school is out if possible. She made it happen this year! I am so thankful! Click the cover below to check out my data binder. Click HERE to read more about how I use them.
We loved doing activities from Lori from Teaching with Love and Laughter's End of the School Year Writing and Grammar Activities! The parts of speech sort was a fun review and the end of the year interview was a BIG hit! Reading the kids' responses brought tears to my eyes.
I've been cleaning/organizing/purging. I do this every year. It's a good idea to re-organize your cabinets each year and get rid of things you don't need. I love the way my art and Math cabinets look now!
My M-I-L also helped me combine my glue bottles and soak the caps. I got this tip from Rachelle at What the Teacher Wants about 5 years ago. It does help loosen up the glue. I know glue is usually cheap in the fall, but I am going to be short on time because I'll be in Vegas until 1 day before school starts! Yikes! This glue project will help me avoid running around last minute to buy cheap supplies.
My M-I-L put together my kids end of the year packs. These are always well-liked by the kids. There are parent notes, a summer fun calendar, reading logs, Math and ELA mini-books, graphic organizers, a writing journal, and more included. Click HERE to read more about them or click the cover to check them out on TpT.
In addition to the packs mentioned above, I also gave my students a Junie B. Jones book. We read Junie B. all year long. I ordered several sets from Scholastic and let the kids pick which book they wanted. I gave them their packs and books on Friday. They were thrilled!
We had fun one morning working through Nicole from Lanier's Lions free ice-cream pack. This has some great skill review in it. I also found some ice-cream bubbles from Dollar Tree that went perfectly with this! Lots of fun!
Today I assembled my kids' Memory Books. We do a page a month all year long. Some pages are simple crafts or drawing. Some pages are photographs that I take and glue in. On the last day, I pass out the books and the kids LOVE seeing their memories! It's a wonderful keepsake. To see more about the memory book, click HERE or click the cover below to check it out on TpT.
*Tip: Copy the pages for the book in the spring and file them away so they are ready for fall!*
I re-stocked my Differentiated Graphic Organizers. I love having these on hand for guided reading and whole-group reading lessons! Click HERE to see more about them or click the cover below to check them out on TpT.
I also re-stocked my Math Games on the Fly. I use these a lot in the fall. They are simple number sense games that can be quickly printed and played in class with a die and crayons. Click HERE to read more about them or click the cover below to check them out on TpT.
Finally, I will leave you with a freebie! It's an I Have, Who Has summer themed vocabulary game. This is a simple and fun game that you can do with your whole class at once. Just give each student 1-2 cards. The person with the first card reads the card aloud and then the person who has the next card reads his card aloud. This continues on until all cards have been read. We like to play several rounds; in between each round, we switch our cards with a neighbor. Great way to build vocabulary! Easy-Peasy!
My in-laws were in town last week and we were super busy! Luckily my mother in law helped me with a few projects that I wanted to finish up before school is out. She assembled my data binders for me! That's a job that always takes some time. I like to have the binders assembled in the spring before school is out if possible. She made it happen this year! I am so thankful! Click the cover below to check out my data binder. Click HERE to read more about how I use them.
We loved doing activities from Lori from Teaching with Love and Laughter's End of the School Year Writing and Grammar Activities! The parts of speech sort was a fun review and the end of the year interview was a BIG hit! Reading the kids' responses brought tears to my eyes.
I've been cleaning/organizing/purging. I do this every year. It's a good idea to re-organize your cabinets each year and get rid of things you don't need. I love the way my art and Math cabinets look now!
My M-I-L also helped me combine my glue bottles and soak the caps. I got this tip from Rachelle at What the Teacher Wants about 5 years ago. It does help loosen up the glue. I know glue is usually cheap in the fall, but I am going to be short on time because I'll be in Vegas until 1 day before school starts! Yikes! This glue project will help me avoid running around last minute to buy cheap supplies.
My M-I-L put together my kids end of the year packs. These are always well-liked by the kids. There are parent notes, a summer fun calendar, reading logs, Math and ELA mini-books, graphic organizers, a writing journal, and more included. Click HERE to read more about them or click the cover to check them out on TpT.
In addition to the packs mentioned above, I also gave my students a Junie B. Jones book. We read Junie B. all year long. I ordered several sets from Scholastic and let the kids pick which book they wanted. I gave them their packs and books on Friday. They were thrilled!
We had fun one morning working through Nicole from Lanier's Lions free ice-cream pack. This has some great skill review in it. I also found some ice-cream bubbles from Dollar Tree that went perfectly with this! Lots of fun!
Today I assembled my kids' Memory Books. We do a page a month all year long. Some pages are simple crafts or drawing. Some pages are photographs that I take and glue in. On the last day, I pass out the books and the kids LOVE seeing their memories! It's a wonderful keepsake. To see more about the memory book, click HERE or click the cover below to check it out on TpT.

*Tip: Copy the pages for the book in the spring and file them away so they are ready for fall!*
I re-stocked my Differentiated Graphic Organizers. I love having these on hand for guided reading and whole-group reading lessons! Click HERE to see more about them or click the cover below to check them out on TpT.
I also re-stocked my Math Games on the Fly. I use these a lot in the fall. They are simple number sense games that can be quickly printed and played in class with a die and crayons. Click HERE to read more about them or click the cover below to check them out on TpT.
Finally, I will leave you with a freebie! It's an I Have, Who Has summer themed vocabulary game. This is a simple and fun game that you can do with your whole class at once. Just give each student 1-2 cards. The person with the first card reads the card aloud and then the person who has the next card reads his card aloud. This continues on until all cards have been read. We like to play several rounds; in between each round, we switch our cards with a neighbor. Great way to build vocabulary! Easy-Peasy!
It's always nice to see other teachers prepping for next year too (before this school year is over). Have a wonderful summer!
Love how you organize your graphic organizers! I tend to file them by the units and weeks and can never find them when I need them. Definitely doing this next year! :)
Moore to Learn
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