Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Short Vowel Activities

Hi everyone!  I just love literacy time and finding/creating activities for my students and I to use.  I am a firm believer in spiraling in first grade because there are so many skills taught!  I can't expect mastery after one lesson or one week of instruction.  Because of this, I am always looking for things to use to help reinforce concepts I've already taught my kids.    

I run literacy centers and guided reading daily.  The beginning of the year is always difficult for kids to get adjusted to the center routines, and although I am floating around monitoring and helping them, they need to have simple, yet meaningful activities to work on.  I created these little short vowel packs to support independence and reinforce what I've taught in class.  

I spend a week focusing on each short vowel at the beginning of the year.  For example, last week, I focused on short i.  We did lots of activities to go with short i, including a few little things from my short i activities pack.  So this week in literacy centers, I will include a short i game from the same pack as one of my five centers.  This will ensure spiral review.

I have 5 packs {one per vowel} and then a bundle.  *The bundle price is like getting one pack for free.  Each pack contains the same activities/printables so that your kids will know the format.  These activities are great for RTI, tutoring, guided reading, literacy centers, small groups, or whole-group instruction.  I hope you will take a moment to check them out below!  


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