Wednesday, May 25, 2022

End of the Year Reflection

It's that time again!  The end of the year.  My mom always says, "The days are long but the years are short" and she is so right!  It seems like I blinked at this year came and went.  It's crazy to think back to where we started.  This year, I began with 23 students, many of whom didn't go to preschool.  If they did attend preschool, it was closed down in March of 2020.  My students only received 1/2 year of kindergarten (we did a hybrid model last year, where students came to school every other day).  I began with 23 students who had only known "school" as a place where we wear a mask and stay away from others.  I am ending the year with 23 readers, 23 confident children who aren't afraid to try and make mistakes, and 23 kids who care for one another.  This year, more than ever, I feel greatly rewarded.  I feel as if I've worked harder than ever.  I also feel as though I was appreciated by so many, more than ever before.  All students grew tremendously from where they started, socially, emotionally, and academically.  It's important to look at the whole child and not just the academics when considering growth.  This can be quickly forgotten when we receive our class data.  

As you wrap up your year, keep in mind all that you've done to help your students grow!  Be proud of yourself and your students.  You worked HARD.  The world needs great teachers.  I know you are tired.  Hang in there and enjoy your MOST DESERVED summer break!




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