A few weeks ago, I did a guest post over at Funky First Grade Fun. It was all about assessment! I wanted to share the content here in case you missed it.
Assessment can be a tricky thing, especially for new teachers. Knowing what to assess and when to assess is challenging. At the start of the year, I like to get a good picture of each of my students. I do this by administering both pencil/paper and oral assessments. Although it can be somewhat time consuming, the one-on-one time I get with my students tells me a lot. This year, I am super excited about using my assessment pack. With all the new changes to the standards and teacher evaluation systems, documentation is very important. These assessments are going to come in very handy for parent meetings and RTI.
Assessment can be a tricky thing, especially for new teachers. Knowing what to assess and when to assess is challenging. At the start of the year, I like to get a good picture of each of my students. I do this by administering both pencil/paper and oral assessments. Although it can be somewhat time consuming, the one-on-one time I get with my students tells me a lot. This year, I am super excited about using my assessment pack. With all the new changes to the standards and teacher evaluation systems, documentation is very important. These assessments are going to come in very handy for parent meetings and RTI.
In first
grade, I do a lot of my assessments with white boards and a checklist. I like doing this because it’s quick and to
the point. I can assess word family
knowledge, sight words, phonics chunks, and most skills for Math. I keep my clipboard stocked with blank
checklists near my rug so I can grab it when I want to do a quick check.

For Writing, I like to use a composition notebook to take anecdotal
notes with kids as I conference with them.
I put each child’s name at the top of a page and skip a few pages before
putting the next child’s name. I have
found this to be the best method for me over the years. When we “publish” a story, I use a rubric. I have my students self-assess with a rubric and
then I complete one as well. I have also
seen some teachers use a file box to keep their student’s notes about
writing. The clipboard/label method is
also an option. I recommend finding a system that works for you. You
are the one that will be implementing in your room, so it’s best to find what
best meets your needs. My writing
rubrics and lots of other goodies for writing can be found in my writing resource
pack, which is shown below.
As mentioned above, for Math, I use student slates for a lot
of my assessing. However, when you have
a big group of students in your room, slate assessment isn't always
accurate. It’s very easy for students to
peek at others’ boards! We so busy
looking around and marking on your checklist, we probably don’t even notice
half the time! Exit slips are great for
the end of a lesson. You can do these by
giving students sticky notes and having them answer a question or problem on
them. These work great for those times
when you don’t have an assessment prepped.
I use my quick checks all the time! It’s so easy for me to pull the ones that I
need for the week from my binder. I have
it out during lesson planning so I can ensure I am assessing throughout the
In addition to my own tracking of students, I like for them to track their progress. I use the data binder system in my classroom, which I've shared on here before. The binder doubles as a take-home binder so parents are always seeing their children's progress. To read more about how I use this system click HERE.
It's good to remember that you should find a system that works best for you!
It's good to remember that you should find a system that works best for you!
Assessing often is so important-especially in lower elementary grades. They can make such great progress so fast! I like the composition book idea-I need to do a better job of keeping notes on what they do in small group.
You have great systems and are so organized! :)
Love the ideas and always such a icky spot to get all the assessments done!
Hope you are off to a good start and that you have a class full of lovies!
~Christy & Tammy
Fluttering Through First Grade
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