Ok, so I wasn't going to link up but then I was having so much fun reading everyone else's posts that I gave in! Link up at Mrs. Lemons site if you haven't already! Here are
10 9 random facts about me that you may not know:
1. I have been married for 6 years to my best friend. We just celebrated our anniversary in June. Time flies!!
2. We don't have kids...................................................and don't think that we ever want them. There. I said it. On my blog! Ahhh! Don't judge! Is there anyone else out there in my position? I feel like I am all alone....of course I love kids! I am a teacher! But...I just don't think that I want any of my own. Good thing my hubby is on the same page!
3. I love to travel!!! Any chance I can get, I will take a trip! My husband and I have a great time traveling together! A few of our favorite places are Hawaii, California, Florida, Nashville, and Chicago.
Enjoying a Mai Tai on a catamaran in Hawaii! *Don't mind the stranger in the background!* |
4. I am obsessed with hoarding and all TV shows related. Why? I have no idea. It's sick. I just feel so bad for those people and wish I could help. And also I heart cleaning so I like watching their homes get cleaned up.
5. I am a CRAZY COUPON LADY!!! I do extreme couponing and have a stockpile! Am I a hoarder?!? LOL! NO! I have been couponing for over a year now and have saved thousands of dollars. It's super fun and gives me money for other things (see #6).
Note my organization: not a sign of a true hoarder.... |
I always stock up in the summer as best I can so I have to do minimal stockpiling during the school year. |
Hey, you can never have too much detergent! |
6. I heart nail polish! I paint my nails 1-2 times a week. I love it!!!!!!! I have been doing this since high school! Sometimes I get my colors out just to look through them! The brighter the color, the better! My couponing has helped me build my box of colors!
Excessive? I think not. Hoarder? No way. |
7. I am a Turbo Kick die-hard! It's pretty much the best workout ever. I look forward to it every Monday and Wednesday Anyone that knows me knows that I will not do anything from 4:30-5:30 on those nights. Not even a school event (shhhh). I am getting certified in the fall so I can teach it on my own!
8. I'm obsessed with almost any reality show that's ever been on or is on. Examples: (Real Housewives: all, Bethanny Ever After, Don't Be Tardy for the Wedding, Jerseylicious, Big Rich Texas, Tori and Dean Go to Hollywood, Hoarders, Hoarding: Buried Alive, Intervention, Bachelorette/Bachelor, Jersey Shore, Real World, Pauly D. Project, etc. etc. etc.) I may or may not DVR over 70 reality series' throughout the course of a year. If it's a reality show, I watch it.
9. Sprinkles Cupcakes are my favorite! Please don't ever tell me that any other cupcake place is "good." Sprinkles blows away all the competition! Even Ellen and Oprah agree! And luckily for me, my in-laws live in Orange County, so I get to eat Sprinkles at least once a year! And I can always expect a box for my birthday!
P.S. do you like my short hair? I am considering chopping it again....This pic was in 2008. |
Salivating just looking at these...
Oh my goodness, I love those pictures! All of them. Even the stock pile of detergent. I'm with you on the kids thing. I love them, but I just don't see me having any (especially in the literal sense.) Now that my husband has been babysitting his 3 year old nephew every Monday night for almost a year, he doesn't want to have any either. :) Those cupcakes look so good!
Thanks for sharing,
Ooo I love the nail polish!!! I like to do my nails but sometimes I am too impatient to wait for them to dry!
A Cupcake for the Teacher
I want some cupcakes now... :) They do look delicious!
I love SPRINKLES and wish I could paint my nails. I always do a horrible job. I think you're hair is super cute short.
Loved reading this and getting to know you better!! :) We love to travel too! Hawaii is on my wishlist of places to go!
Great reading all about you and
your blog looks adorable (I don't think I have told you that since you remodeled)!
☞Go NuTTY with ME!
Loved reading! I've been teaching 21 years and don't have kids! Do what's right for you!! Those cupcakes look devine! That stockpile does, too, actually!
Peace, Love, and First Grade
There are a lot of people who don't want children. Doesn't make you a bad person! Neely from a complete waste of makeup actually just did a post on that exact subject. You should check it out! I love your blog design it's so pretty and colorful! Xo Kelly
Loved reading more about you. I love the shows about hoarders too! Fascinating and sad at the same time.
Funky First Grade Fun
When I saw the picture of the cupcake my mouth was just watering. They look delicious!! Do you watch the show Cupcake Wars-if not you have got to see it because you will find so many different places that you may have never known existed, plus Candace from Sprinkles judges them. By the way I am a couponer too but my stockpile doesn't look anything like yours although it used to. :(
You are so not alone. I'm 40, single, and want to get married but I'm not interested in having children at this point. I kind of feel bad even thinking such a thing, but my heart isn't in it. :) (I'm your newest follower. I saw your writing workshop guest blog and enjoyed it. I'm all about writing workshop!)
❀ Tammy
Forever in First
Great pictures, you wanna be hoarder, you. Ha ha!
Kids? You have to do what's right for you...it's your life;)
Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers
BTW, I'm following you now:) found you through Jennifer. Have a great day!
I could totally relate when you said you do not want kids. I used to joke when I taught kindergarten it was the best form of birth control. My baby girl turned four months old today. Life has so many twists and turns. Thank you for being so candid and open in your blog. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
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