Monday, August 17, 2020

Class Rewards

Building classroom community and establishing firm procedures and expectations in vital during the first few weeks of school.  Including positive reinforcement in your practice will motivate students to do what's expected of them.  Motivating your students with a class rewards system is a sure way to get them motivated and excited about following directions! 

Here's how it works:
Print and laminate the Class Rewards cards and letter cards.  Ensure you have a spot in your classroom for a small display of the class reward.  Select a short and simple reward to begin with.  Hang up the reward poster.  Decide what it is you want your students to focus on in order to earn letters to spell out the reward.  Make it specific.  Instead of "following directions," it might be "walking quietly to sit down on the rug" or "getting out your supplies right away when asked."  Tell the class that you'll be watching for the expected behavior and if the class is working hard towards the goal, they'll earn a letter.  Once all letters have been earned, celebrate!  Be sure to have your reward/celebration as close to when then kids earn their final letter as possible.  You don't want them to lose interest in the system.

When beginning a system like this, you want to make sure your students earn their first few rewards rather quickly.  This will get them excited about the system and excited about following directions.  There are a variety of rewards to choose from.  Most are free and require little to no preparation on your part.  Some are food related; save those for times you reaaaallly need them.  Think right before or after winter break, the last few weeks of school, etc...My personal favorites are: free time, donuts, and extra recess.

This system has been working wonders in my room for several years now and I am so glad I have something simple to use with my students.  They absolutely love working together as a team to earn their reward!

*Another option is to print multiple sets (you can print multiple to a page to make them smaller) and have tables/groups compete to earn the reward!

I keep my rewards in Ziploc bags.  A follower sent me a photo of her storage system!  Love the idea of using a binder with clear sheet protectors as pockets inside!

Click the cover photo below to grab this reward system for your class.  You'll be so happy you did it!



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