Anyone that is close to me knows that I am a workaholic. I don't know why. I've always had a complex that people might perceive me as lazy if I am not constantly working. I always get anxious this time of year because I am literally always working and I worry that it will be hard for me not to spend my summer doing that. Relaxation is not in my vocab. Unless I am far away from home, without a computer or cleaning supplies in front of me. Nonetheless, I'm going to try really hard to spend some time for myself this summer. So, without further ado, here is my top 10:
7. Work out & continue to be active! I love working out. I especially love Turbo Kick. I am certified to teach it but sadly, I will not be taking or teaching it, as I have a deteriorating disc and a dislocated disc in my back. Turbo really flares it up and after spending 9 weeks at a chiropractor and paying lots of co-pays, it's just not worth it. I do enjoy running and lifting, so I'll be continuing those.
6. Chilling at the pool! I die for a pool in the summer. I would literaly be happy with a bucket of water in my backyard. Growing up, we moved a lot and most of the houses we built had big, beautiful pools. Guess it's safe to say that I was spoiled by them and now I need a pool close to me on the reg! Here's where I'll be poolin' it up this summer:
5. Working...some...Like I said above, it's impossible for me NOT to work! I'll be updating my store and creating a few new great products! I love blogging and
creating,so it's fun! You'll find me sitting here on rainy days:
4. Reading! I have a hard time focusing on a book. Especially if there is a phone or computer nearby! My goal is to read more this summer, because I used to enjoy it...way back before TpT and blogging! I have several new books that I want to read, including
Emily Giffin's new one! *Does anyone else LOVE her books!?
3. Catching up with friends! Most of my very best friends are teachers, so naturally we hardly see each other during the year! It stinks, but it makes summer so much more fun! My bestie Amy and I talk a lot through the week but only get to hang once a month or something ridic. We spend a lot of time in the summers together! My other two close friends live in Columbus, so I'll be traveling there to see them!!! I am also going to be visiting my blogging buddy,
Jessica and hopefully {fingers crossed},
2. Enjoying adult beverages outside! I am not a big drinker, but in the summer heat, I love me some Skinny girl Margarita! Or Summer Shandy. Or Bud light Lime! Really, anything citrus, I'm all over it!
1. Vegas and Florida! I love spending time with my husband. We especially LOVE to travel together. Seriously. We go every chance we get. You can read about this past year's travels here. This summer, we are going to Vegas again! We've been there twice, but only for a few days each time. This year, we'll be there for over a week! My husband is a financial advisor and his national convention is out there! I'll be relaxing at a pool with a swim-up bar while he attends lots of meetings! I'm sad that I will miss the TpT conference by 2 weeks, though! We also travel to Florida a lot and are hoping to get there again this summer.
You can follow my summer fun on Instagram! Click to follow
So.....what are your summer plans!? Link up!