Friday, March 13, 2015

5 For Friday 3.13.15

Hi everyone!  It's time for another Five for Friday.  I'm once again linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching today.

Posts from the week that you may have missed are shown below.  Just click the text to check them out:

Missing Addend

Rainbow Craft

We did our "Shamrock Float" how-to writing and made the craft!  Since I'm out today, I wanted to do it in time to hang it up.  The kids had a blast!  We'll make our floats Tuesday.

*If you have this product, please re-download.  I updated two of the picture cards earlier in the week.  Click the cover to check this out if you need a fun little activity for Monday or Tuesday!

It's the end of the 3rd quarter!!!!!!!!!!!  Yikes!  I've been doing my end of quarter assessments.  I love having these assessments handy each quarter.  To check out what assessments I use and how I use them, click here.  Click the cover below to be taken directly to the product to check it out.

As you are reading this, I am preparing for a weekend trip in Indiana!  Many bloggers are going there for an awesome meet-up!  I'm really looking forward to seeing some old blogger friends and making some new ones!  There are some great people attending!  I'll be posting lots of photos, so keep your eyes peeled to see what we are doing!

I recently switched up my listening center to my "more challenging" recording sheets.  I love the listening center!  Such a great way for kids to hear fluent readers.  You can read all about how I have mine set up by clicking HERE.  Grab some free, differentiated recording sheets at that same spot! Enjoy!

Have a super weekend!


  1. I've been deep in my assessment notebook, too. But the scariest thing is that we are thisclose to the 4th quarter! Have a great weekend!

  2. I really like the rainbow craft that you made and the shamrock craft is precious! I am sure they make your classroom so much fun! The Indiana blog meetup will be so much fun! Are you going to Vegas this summer? Have a great weekend. {I love your website design by the way}

  3. I just started my end of quarter assessments today- so so exciting to see how much these fifties are reading at this point int he year!! Have fun at your meet-up!!


Thanks for your comments!