Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Non-Standard Measurement

Last week we dove into non-standard measurement!  It was a lot of fun, thanks to my buddy Reagan, and her sweet little pack!  To introduce the concept, I showed Reagan's posters and we discussed them together.  Next, I put up a little poster with some farm-themed graphics {we just finished up learning about the farm not long ago!} and we measured them together with sticky dots.  It's times like these when I really wish I had an interactive white board!  I've learned to become very resourceful over the past 10 years without much technology.  Next up, we watched a Brain Pop Jr. on non-standard measurement.

Next, it was time to dive into measuring!  Each table had a bag of school supply pictures  to measure.  They also all had a basket of manipulatives to measure with.  These free cards are from Amanda over at First Grade Garden.

Day two, we reviewed the previous day's learning and measured some more!  I have 5 tables in my room {clusters of desks} and each table had a different "unit" to measure with, but everyone had the same objects...this made for great discussion!  The recording sheets and unit cards are from Reagan at Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits.  This was a lot of fun!  We did this type of activity for two days.

To end our unit, we read some fun books that I got from a book order.  This was one and there was another...I can't remember what it was called, but something similar.  We also completed a quick-check assessment on non-standard measurement from my "Math Quick Checks" pack, shown below.  I love these for an assessment in a snap! 



  1. Looks like so much great learning! Thanks for the blog love friend!!!

  2. I am totally using my bears tomorrow to measure! You're a genius! xo


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