Saturday, May 17, 2014

Bright Ideas: Classroom Sounds

I love using sounds for transitions in the classroom!  They are a way to gain students attention without shouting.  In my classroom, I use 3 sounds:

Chimes--This is how I call my kids to the carpet.  Every time.  I don't say a word; I just ding the chimes.  If I am across the room and I want the kids to come to the carpet, I ask a student to ring the chimes for me.  I purchased my chimes about 8 years ago, from a local lady whose husband makes them, but I have seen them on Amazon.

School bell-- I use my bell when I want the kids to clean up centers, quiet reading, inside recess, or any games/activities we may be doing in class.  Again, I do not say a peep; I just ring the bell.

Push bell--I use this when I'd like kids to come to the front of the room.  This is a nice option to have, because sometimes I {and they} get tired of sitting on the carpet.  We come to the front of the room when we are watching a Brain Pop, or doing something on my large white board.

I have found these transitions to be instrumental {no pun intended} in making my days smooth.  They are great for auditory learners and save you a lot of unnecessary talking/raising your voice!

If you enjoyed this post, please consider following me on Facebook, Instagram, and Teachers Pay Teachers.


  1. I love the idea of using a different sound for each direction/activity:) Super idea!

    The Resourceful Apple

  2. That is such a terrific idea to use different instruments for each instrution! It would really save my voice! Thanks for the idea! : )
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

  3. One of our first grade teachers has the chimes. I love the sound of them!
    Conversations in Literacy

  4. Love quiet sounds for transition! Going to add the hand bell to my rotation this year! Great idea!
    Peace, Love, and First Grade


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