Sunday, November 15, 2015

Guided Reading Happenings/Freebie

Hi everyone!  I hope you are making it through your last week before Thanksgiving!  We have the whole week of next week, which has never happened in my 13 years in my district.  I am pretty excited!  Today I wanted to quickly stop by to let you know some things we've been doing in guided reading.  I also am going to share a simple way to organize the materials in my Guided Reading Bundle.  And...if you hang around long enough, you can snag a freebie at the end of the post!

Each day we warm up with a quick word work activity.  I mostly use the things included in my guided reading bundle, but last week I switched it up and used my fluency strips.  The kids really loved them!

We also preview some vocabulary prior to reading.  We talk about words that they may not be familiar with.  This helps the kids when they have their first cold read of a new book.  It especially helps with those lower level groups.  Some of the vocab is just too difficult for them to decode on their own.  I keep the vocab words up on my mini-pocket chart for the two-three days we spend on a book.  The kids really do reference it.

I pull out the decoding strategy charts {FREEBIE ALERT!} each time we read.  These are great visual reminders for kids. Each child also has one in their data binder that they use at home when reading their book from group.  I like the keep the strategies authentic without gimmicks to help kids quickly remember what to do.

Many of you have asked how I organize the materials in the bundle.  I have used both clear tubs to organize by skill/level as well as binders by skill/level.  Both work very well.  It really depends on how much space you have.  If I had to choose one method, I would say I prefer the binder method for these reasons:

  • I can hole-punch printables and quick check assessments.  I don't have to dig through a tub to get to them.  
  • If I need to make my group mobile {computer lab, rug, hallway}, I can grab the binder and go. 
  • I use sheet protectors to house any cards/materials that aren't printable worksheets.  Again, this limits the digging in a tub.  
  • If I have help for groups, I can pass the binder to whomever is running the group and they can pull from it to plan.

We are really progressing with our reading.  I loved talking to parents at parent teacher conferences and hearing how much improvement they've noticed with their young readers!  You can check out my guided reading bundle below.  It is a phenomenal resource loaded with 1,300+ pages of goodness for first grade readers {Levels Pre-Reader through J/K}.  Click the cover below to download a preview and read all about what's included.

*If you own the bundle, you will want to re-download because I've added some ink-friendly binder covers!

I also have a kindergarten guided reading bundle that contains 600 pages full of activities for kinder readers {Levels Pre-Reader through D}.  Click the cover below to download a preview and read all about what's included.

*If you own the bundle, you will want to re-download because I've added some ink-friendly binder covers!

Need some guidance on planning for your groups?  Check out this free Guided Reading Planner for tips!  I share how I use those precious 20 minutes!

To see more guided reading posts from my blog, click the image below!


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