Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spicing up Writing Workshop

At this point in the year, we are working like champions during writing workshop!!  The kids know the routines and know how to focus during writing time.  We've been through many of my writing units so far this year and are wrapped up How-To on Friday.  Because we had a plethora of snow days/delays, I decided it was best to go back to narrative writing for a bit.  I squeezed it in between our How-To unit and kind of alternated it...just to see...I expected the kids stories to be horrendous.  BUT much to my surprise, they were phenomenal!  I almost cried tears of joy when I saw the content they were producing!

--Rewind--I wanted to spice up the "impromptu narrative writing" a bit.  We recently worked on synonyms and I knew I could tie them into our writing.  So I got out some library pockets, whipped up some labels, grabbed my stash of craft sticks and went to town.  I thought of many of the most common "boring words" that kids use in their stories and made a pocket for each.  I added craft sticks with synonyms to the pockets. I had the kids help me sort them as a synonym review.  Now, they are on our bulletin board, available for use during writing time!  The kids have been using them like crazy!  Of course, I make a HUGE deal about it when someone "chooses a fancy-schmancy word to use in their writing!"  This is such a simple way to spice up writing time.  Adding the novelty of a few craft sticks can make a world of difference!


Synonym Board 
"My brother was being kind to me" 

"I am groovy!"
For more ideas with popsicle sticks, click the picture above! 


  1. I love this idea! I am going to try this! Thanks!!!! Carol

  2. Totally doing this! Thanks so much!
    Amy burton

  3. Great idea! I use library pockets for the same purpose, but actually printed and laminated cards to put inside with the words...popsicle sticks would have been simpler :)

    Literacy Spark


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