Saturday, March 29, 2014

Celebrating our Writing

We had a rocky start to our "How-to Writing" unit with all the snow days and delays during February but we made it work!  We began our unit with a Brain Pop Jr. and looking at/discussing real-world examples of how-to writing.  Then, we made a fun treat: a dirt cup snack!  We wrote our directions first and then used them to make our treat!

The 1st grade writing standard states that children "participate in shared research and writing projects" so the kids worked in groups to write their how-to pieces.  I gave them topic cards to use for guidance.   The kids were in groups of 4 and each person wold take a "step" to say aloud.   They had to include the transition word to go with their step.  Once they were ready, they raised their hands and had to tell me the steps 2 times.  If I felt they were ready, I gave out the writing paper and they got to work.  Each person in the group wrote all 4 steps.  The kids did FANTASTIC with this!  We did this for several days so the students had a few how-to pieces for their writing folders.   Check out one of the groups in action below!

Last Friday, we had our monthly writing party!  To prepare, we made covers, filled out our how-to rubrics, and re-read our pieces to make sure we knew what they said!   We shared our pieces with a quick gallery walk, had some treats, and gave out compliments/toasts to one another!  I am sharing some voice clips below so you can hear our "toasts!"

The unit ended up being fab!  Next up:  "All About" writing!


1 comment:

  1. I love how into this they are! I miss the excitement!! Great looking unit:)

    Go Nutty with Me!


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