Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Meet Mrs. Wheeler!

I am linking up with Cara over at the The First Grade Parade.

Hello! I am Mrs. Wheeler.  I teach first grade and have for almost 8 years now.  I LOVE MY JOB! I love the kids, my boss, the staff, and all the things that come with teaching.  OBSESSED! I have been on virtually every committee possible in the past 7 years.  I am currently a Mentor for a new teacher, a cooperating teacher for a student teacher (ps she's the best ST ever), on my building's OIP committee, and the list goes on....I do need to try to cut back in the near future! I spend waaaayyy too much time doing things for school, but I view it as more of a hobby than anything else.  I have been married to a great husband for 5 years.  We have lots of fun traveling and hanging out together.
 Here we are in Nashville, TN.  We went there during winter break. do you like my Photoshop techniques?
 Here I am at a Lions hubby is obsessed.  I just like the food and the shopping that goes along with a road trip!

 Here's a bit about me:

Q: What would you be doing if you weren't teaching? 
A: A professional organizer.  I love keeping things neat and tidy...and labeled!

Q: What are your hobbies?
A: Teaching, shopping, reading, blogging, movies

Q: When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: A teacher!!! I have known since I could speak that this is what I wanted to do with my life.

Q: What are your guilty pleasures?
A:  Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, baking in the sun, jewelry (cheap or expensive!) any/all reality shows (I only DVR 40 series; favorites--Jersey Shore, Hoarders, Intervention, Real Housewives of every city ever made.  Is that excessive? Possibly.)

Q: What is your biggest fears?
A: My parents dying.

Q: When you're on vacation, where do you like to go?
A: Bradenton, Florida to my parents 2nd home, OC California to my in-laws home (man, I have some great connections, huh?), Hawaii-my husband and I spent two and a half weeks there for our honeymoon, and I am really itching to get back (well, I have been since the day I left!)....Really I will love anywhere with a beach.  I am a sun-worshiper.

Q: What's the best adviced you ever received?
A: Don't forget you will always have your family.

Q: What do you value most in others?
A: Honesty, sincerity...I can spot a fake in .2 seconds!

Q: If you could choose one of your personality traits to pass on to your children, what would it be?
A: My dedication to my job!

Q: If you could have lunch with anyone - living or dead - who would it be?
A:  My grandma who passed away 3 years ago.  I miss her so much.

Q: Now, tell us one thing about yourself:
A: I am going to be published in Mailbox Magazine (1st grade) for a game!!!  Coming soon!


  1. I envy you on being organized lol

    Congrats on the publication :)


  2. I would be a professional organizer too. I think my favorite part about my new job this year was going through all of the previous teacher's old materials,and organizing so they had function! Love your blog :)


  3. You are darling!! I'm right there with ya on the fakies. Can't stand people like that! And congrats on your Mailbox publication!!! Exciting! Nice to "meet" you!!

    Cara :)

  4. Found your blog from the Proteacher website and I was curious to see where exactly you teach. I also follow Babbling Abby and her new one - Inspired Apple. I saw a post you made about teaching in Dayton. I also teach in Dayton! How small of a world is it!!!?? I promise I'm not an online crazy person, but I'd like to see if we are teaching neighbors!


Thanks for your comments!