Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Giggle, Giggle!

About a week ago, one of my little 'policemen'  came to tell me that another boy drew an inappropriate picture.  When I walked over to take a look, this is what I discovered:
Side note: This child has some interesting handwriting/artwork, so it's often difficult to interpret what he has written or drawn.
Here's how the convo. went down:
T-Who is this in your picture?
S-My mom.
T-Why did you draw those (T points to the obvious).
S-Because that's what they look like (very nonchalant).
T-Maybe you should erase those.  They are not appropriate to draw, even if they are your mother's.


  1. Ha ha ha - I love kids. This makes me wonder what the mom's reaction would be if she knew what her child was drawing at school...

  2. Aren't kids funny! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Love the attention to details. :).
    I'm not sure my boys would have noticed.

  4. This cracked me up! I've been reading your blog since you shared the address with me. You are awesome, I may just have to have Lindsay spend her first grade year at Saville in your room!!


  5. BAHAHAHA! One of my students drew a picture of ME with little circles in very inappropriate places. I laughed for days.


Thanks for your comments!