Sunday, May 31, 2020

Sunday 6 May 31

Good Morning and welcome to another edition of "Sunday 6."  This is a weekly whenever I feel like it or have time to write it series that contains 6 random happenings from my week, or the last several weeks.  Some things are teaching-related and some are related to my personal life.  Enjoy!

I went back to the grocery last week!  It was very exciting.  My husband has been doing the weekly grocery shopping during the quarantine.  While it was great having him shop for us, I felt like I could never ask for anything "weird" (as he would say), because he would call me flipping out about 1. what it was and 2. where it was located in the store.  Hahaha!  I had a good time shopping, but I still felt a bit nervous.  Luckily our local grocery store has been taking tons of precautions and they also require masks.

Our peonies bloomed!  I picked a huge bouquet and have had them on our deck table for a few days now.  They smell amazing!  I would love to bring them inside, but did you know peonies attract ants?  They were covered in ants when I picked them!  

Mr. Wheeler finished our kitchen floor.  It was a big job (particularly the tear out, because there was 6 layers of flooring he had to rip out first...our house was built in 1940) but it turned out beautiful!  I am so thankful that he knows how to do this things, and is so good at them!

We had a "reverse parade" at my school building last week, as a final send off to our students.  The families drove through a "tunnel" that the staff made with our cars and we waved and yelled and held up signs and balloons.  It was great to see the kids and staff members, as well.  Below is a photo of two of my teammates.

Because our local pool won't be opening this summer, I had to take matters into my own hands and purchase a blow-up pool for the backyard.  Hahahaha!  Kind of random, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do, right?  I have never not had or gone to a pool in my entire life.  So I guess you could say I am spoiled in that aspect!  This is working out just fine!  Water is water, right?  

I mailed off my kids' end of the year packets and they have received them by now.  If you saw THIS POST, I mentioned what all I sent.  I enjoy making these bookmarks for my students each year.  The kids love that their names are on them, too!  I've linked them below in case you are looking for something to give to your students.  They are easy to mail if you are unable to give your students a gift in person.

Have a fantastic week!  

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