Friday, May 22, 2015

5 for Friday 5.22.15

Last weekend, we celebrated my niece's first birthday!  It was such a fun celebration!  She is a happy baby!  We got her a little chair, which she was so happy about!

Also last weekend, I surprised my mom with WICKED tickets!  Neither of us had seen it so we were super excited.  Needless to say, the show was AMAZING!

I posted about our sun craft and acrostic poem freebie.  You can read that post HERE and snag the freebie while reading.

 This happened on Tuesday:

I went TO GET MY BRACES REMOVED.  I took a half day because that's what was supposed to be happening.  I almost cried when he told me they weren't quite ready.  It's ok now.  I am over it.  He said 3 weeks...which I am ok with.  My orthodontist is a perfectionist and I understand him wanting my teeth to be as good as they can be.

I've been flying around like a maniac getting my kids' Memory Books and Poetry Anthologies assembled.  We are having our Poetry Cafe celebration this Thursday!  It's such a fun time.  To read about how I run the cafe, click HERE.

Enjoy your weekend!  Only 5.5 days left this year for me!



  1. Two and half days for me! Hooray! Maggie can't wait to spend time with you this summer!

  2. Sorry about that news from the Ortho! If you're still in school ( I am) I bet you had to answer the "why aren't they off" question a zillion times. My daughter is waiting for same news this Thursday.


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