Monday, August 11, 2014

Meet Mrs.Wheeler

Happy Monday, friends!  Today I am participating in a linky hosted by Stephanie over at Falling Into First. It's all about meeting teacher bloggers!  I always used to love reading these, and I haven't seen or participated in one like this in a few years.  I've made some wonderful friends through blogging and I hope that you get the opportunity to make some new friends through this linky!  Here's a little bit about me: This will be my 11th year of teaching. I've spent all 11 plus student teaching in 1st grade!  Hooray!  I have been married to my best friend for 8 years.  We do not have any children or pets.  Just this year we became an aunt and uncle twice!  It's been fun spending time with our niece, who lives just an hour away!  Our nephew lives across the country in California, so we've only just met him and seen him through pictures.

Hubby and I love to travel and so far this year, we've been to: Orange County, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Dallas, and Sarasota/Bradenton, Florida.  The list will continue to grow this year!  So on to the linky!

These are a few of my favorite things: 
  • family, friends, traveling, ALL THINGS CHRISTMAS!!!, Yorkshire Terriers, teaching, learning, blogging, creating, nail polish, bookstores, Starbucks black iced tea, shopping, exercising, the color yellow, jewelry, hot summer days, fresh/clean sheets, festivals in the fall, movie theater popcorn
If I wasn't a teacher, I would want to be:

  • I would love to own my own little boutique with cute clothes and jewelry!  I would also enjoy being an interior decorator or professional organizer.  
Three little words that describe me: 
  • hard-working
  • empathetic 
  • sarcastic
Finish this sentence: 

  • "___________________" said no teacher EVER!!
    • "I love working 70 hour weeks," said no teacher EVER!!
It's my birthday and I can invite anyone {dead or alive} to the party.  Who am I inviting? 
  • I would invite all of my family members that have passed away.  We had a lot of deaths in our family growing up and I would give anything at the chance to be reunited with them all again.  I couldn't choose just one.
If someone wrote a book about my life, the title would be:

  • Girl Dedicates Her Life to Teaching Profession 
If I got to pick one superpower, I would choose:

  • being able to fly!  It would save me so much time getting from place to place!  It seems like I am always running a million errands! 
Favorite quote/saying:
  • "Slow and steady wins the race." 
If I HAD to sing one song on American Idol, it would be:
  • "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey
Are you a morning person or night owl?
  • I am FOR SURE a morning would not believe the things I get done in 1.5 hours when I wake up.  I have been known to: iron, run the vacuum, wash dishes, write a blog post, create something for school, and MORE from the time I wake up until the time I leave for work!  I put in really full days so I am usually asleep by 9:30-10:00.
Favorite resource that I've created in my TpT shop:
  • Hmmm...all of my resources are so special to me in different ways!  If I had to choose ONE, it would be my "Makin' Memories: A Yearlong Scrapbook."  I just love seeing the scrapbooks slowly come together over the course of the year.  The looks on the kids' faces are priceless when they receive their compiled books in May!  

Share something we might not know about you:
  • When I was in college & first started teaching, I took ice-skating lessons and really loved it!  I got certified to a level 3 skater, which is decent.  I haven't been skating in awhile, but wish I would make time to go again!!  

Link up over at Falling Into First!


  1. Nice to meet you! Your -said no teacher ever made me laugh out loud!

  2. Hi Megan! I hope you liked Dallas when you visited. I lived in Dallas for 20 years before we moved to our farm. I still teach in Dallas though. It's a great city.
    Smarticle Particles

  3. An ice skater?!?! HOW FUN!! But how did you have time for that during your first year of teaching after college?? Also, love the book title!! That's SO true for so many! I always enjoy reading your blog! :) Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Awww, "all things Christmas" we're the same way around here!


    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  5. I love learning a little more about you! It's such an honor to know such a dedicated teacher!

    Granny Goes to School

  6. I wish I was able to have a morning like yours. We get up at 5-5:30a.m. I am lucky if my kids get on the bus fed, looking halfway decent and I get to school looking only partially disheveled.

  7. Hi Megan,
    I can see you rockin' out a Journey song! You should make time for skating again. Happy new school year!
    Funky First Grade Fun


Thanks for your comments!