Sunday, August 10, 2014

Breezing Through BTS

Holy crap.  Back to school.  Summer is over.  Well not really for me.  I still have 3 days remaining, but it's basically "over," because my days and nights have been consumed by classroom stuff for the past two weeks.  My room is ready and I'll be revealing it either Monday or Tuesday!  To celebrate back to school, some of my blogging friends and I have put together a back to school blog hop for ya'!
Photo courtesy of "A Day in First Grade" 
I'm keeping my post short and sweet so that you have time to enjoy your morning coffee and visit all of the blogs in the hop!   My tip today is all about assessment at the beginning of the year.  I like to spend the first month or so collecting data on each of my students.  I do running records, sight words and lots of phonics skills, counting, number ID and more.  I always have some kindergarten end of the year data but as we know, if the children' don't practice during the summer, the data is pretty much invalid.  I don't usually start my assessments until the second or third week of school; I like to give my kids time to re-acclimate themselves with school and get comfortable with me and the classroom.  I keep my students' assessments organized in a binder like the one shown below:

Each child has a tab and behind it is all of their assessments.  This system makes parent meetings, RTI meetings, and conferences very simple.  Today I am offering you a freebie from my "Back to School Snapshot: First Grade Assessment" pack.  This is a coloring assessment.  The kids color the picture and write their names during the first week of school.  You can have them repeat this activity during the last week of school.  They always love going back and looking at their coloring jobs!

Enjoy!  Next up: Teaching with Style has some Daily 5 tips for you!



  1. Great way to keep those assessments organized! And won't they be surprised to see that coloring page at the end of the year!?!?! Great tip!
    Go Nutty with Me!

  2. I agree with Squirrels! I love how organized this is! Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. Where are those sight word lists? I love them! Maybe I just missed it in the post...Send Squirrels the color page. She is bored. We'll see if she colors better at the end of the year, too!

  4. I haven't seen that tab system before. I like it because I can tell that it would save a lot of time at conference time.

  5. Thank you! This coloring assessment is awesome!

  6. Great organizational tips on assessment, thanks!!


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