Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Poetry Cafe!

Today was the day!  The much-anticipated "POETRY CAFE!"  This celebration is always a huge hit in my classroom.  I've been having the cafe for at least 7 years now, and it gets a little better each time!  It's a great way to end the year.

We always spend some time the day before prepping for the cafe.  We go through the whole thing once and go over the details of what the kids will be doing.  Below are some pictures.

And now some pictures from the celebration!  I always set up the room big time with tablecloths, decorations, and candles {battery-operated, of course!}.  It makes the cafe extra special!  I also make brochures for the students and their families as a keepsake.  I serve a breakfast treat and drink.

Here are the kids practicing right before the parents arrived!! EEK!

And everything is better with a microphone, right?!  You can see how we practice poetry with the mic every week by clicking here {and you'll snag a freebie, too!}.  The kids each shared two poems.

When the reading was over, I had a special slideshow of photos {beginning of the year and end of the year student pictures} to show.  The kids and parents loved seeing how the children had changed....

I passed out the kids' memory books that they'd worked on each month and they were so thrilled with them! A keepsake to always treasure.

I have really enjoyed my year and will certainly miss these kids!  If you loved seeing pictures from above, you can check out my poetry pack below.  It's full of printables, explanations, and posters for teaching simple poetry to developing readers and writers.

Happy Summer!!


  1. Love the poetry and memory book!!! Both are on my wishlist! thanks for sharing your awesome ideas!

  2. This looks amazing!!!! Both units are already on my wishlist. I would love to do a poetry cafe at the end of the year! Such a great idea I may have to use :)

  3. I love this idea!!! Congrats on being all done! xoxoxo

    Learning With Mrs. Leeby


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