Friday, June 6, 2014

Five for Friday

Happy Friday!  *Almost Saturday...I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching this week!  I'll be linking up every week this summer, as I will have more time for fun things!  Here we go!

1.  Thursday was my last day of school!  Holla, Boo!  I have completed a decade of teaching 1st grade! We had a sentimental day, reflecting back on our year together.  Tears were shed.  It was bittersweet.  We made our Memory Books {free in my store} as a final memento to remember our year.  I sent my kids off with their Summer to Second bags and they were ecstatic!

2.  I had help assembling my data binders for the upcoming year.  Most years, I do get them finished in the spring.  It's amazing to come back and have them ready to go...

3.  I've been able to get back to the gym after being off/limited for about 8 weeks due to a degenerative disc and slipped disc in my back.  Just as I got back into the swing of things...I was hit with some bad news about my hip.  That's all I can say for now.  Blah.  I'm still working out, just unable to run frequently or take my beloved Turbo Kick.

4.  Because of my time off from the gym, I have gained a few lbs, so I am committed to really watching what I eat this summer.  I made some snack bags tonight {idea from my bloggy BFF Missy Squirrels}.  Yes, that is a food scale and yes, I did weigh out the cheddar squares.  Because I had time.  Because it's SUMMER BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5.  I went to Target today to buy a card.  One, single card.  Below is what I left with.  #problems

Have a great weekend!


  1. That also happens to me every time I go to Target (especially in the baby section)... hopefully you still got your card as well!! :)

    First Grade Garden

  2. Haha- I love Target and do the same thing. Enjoy your summer break! Thanks for all your awesome blog posts and ideas (and products!). Carol

  3. Target gets me every.single.time. It's pitiful. I'm probably the only person in the world to spend $50 in the dollar section!!! :)

    Kindergarten Korner

  4. I love your data binder!! Just what I need to get the students tracking their progress! It's on my wish list! :)
    Teaching First

  5. Ohhh if only we had a Target in our town:( I do love your data binders that is my goal for next year to "do data" better. I'm having a super cool giveaway if you'd like to check it out.

  6. Aw Wheeler- you make me blush- tell everyone the truth that i get my healthy eating choices from you! Veggie Discs for everyone!!!
    Go Nutty with Me!


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