Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hello, it's me, Mrs. Wheeler!

Hi, friends!!  I have no words.  Well, actually I have one word: WOW.  Those 15 days went SUPER-FAST!!!!  Anyone else flyin' by the seat of their pants?  I mean, how am I even blogging right now??!! Unbelievable.  Between having Christmas 2 weeks early with my family, hosting book club, packing for a 17 day trip to California, etc, etc, etc, how am I even functioning right now?  It's all adrenaline.  And Starbucks.
Here I am buried in school work {nothing unusual}.  Don't mind the winter headband.  I'm always cold.

As mentioned above, we celebrated Christmas with my family last weekend, so that meant all shopping, wrapping, baking, cooking, etc.  had to be finished by December 15.  It was insane.  I made it.  It was a whirlwind but so much fun!!!!  We are a small family, but growing!  I'm going to be an aunt in May!

My hubby & I 
My brother and sis-in-law {expecting!}
My fam {dad thought it would be hilarious to wear that Santa shirt}
Justin & I got Kim this shirt.  It's pretty much awesome.
We have been having SO MUCH FUN in class lately, I had to pop in to share it with you!!!! I couldn't bear waiting another year to share!  Here goes nothing:

1.  The fundraiser for Nora has been going extremely well!  Please consider donating $20.00 for this gigantic bundle of goodies from many extraordinary bloggers!  You WILL NOT be disappointed with the contents! I promise!

2.  We had a lot of fun during our annual "Grinch Day."  We did Deanna's Grinch craft.  The writing prompt and sight word game is from my F-R-E-E Grinch literacy pack.

3.  We read lots of gingerbread books and compared them all.  But I have no pictures.  It's been hectic.  Like I said.  We made some cute little gingerbread "tents" as my kids called them!  I had a parent come in and run this, which was fantastic!

4.  We read Santa's Stuck and made this fun craft.  We also wrote about how we would get Santa out of our chimneys if he got stuck.  You know I always have to incorporate writing into everything!  How much construction paper can one first grade teacher use in December?  That's the question of the night here, folks.

5.  We made fun Christmas tree ornaments for our trees!  These were my favorite Christmas craft ever in 10 years.  Easy.  Cute.  My kind of craft.  All you need are: pipe cleaners, large craft sticks, buttons, hot glue, and paint.

6.  We completed our December scrapbook page!  I seriously love this scrapbook pack.  We make a page to our books each month.  In the spring, bam!  A beautiful book of memories to take home!  My students love finding out what they will be making each month!  This product is my featured product of the month.  If you purchase it in December, you are entered into a drawing to win a $50.00 gift card to A STORE OF YOUR CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!  Snag a set for next year!

I know that was a long post with lots of pictures, but I hope you enjoyed it!  I'll leave you with my favorite Christmas tree ornament!  My dad was in Vietnam {Air Force} and was stationed in Germany.  He got these awesome neon duck ornaments there.  I have adored them since childhood and have had them on my tree since I got married.  Merry Christmas!!!



  1. Wow you have been busy! It made me tired just reading it! ;P You really did lots of cute activities. Hope you have a wonderful trip to California!
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

  2. Adorable~I love the Santa stuck in the chimney. :)

  3. A 17 day trip to California! fabulous. Where in California will you be vacationing?

    We are taking our 3 grand kids to to Carlsbad CA for a few days while our daughter and son-in-law make a move. It's a win-win situation, they get to move an entire household (without kiddos under foot) and we get to vacation with the little ones by the beach.

    Happy holidays!
    Granny Goes to School


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