Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Behavior Management

Back to school is just around the corner!  And the dreaded behavior management lurks over our heads.  It can be tricky.  It comes natural for some and other have to really work to get a system in place that's effective.  Today, I am mixing up a few of my previous posts about how I manage behavior in my classroom.  Some are very old posts from a few years ago, and many of you may not have seen them!

1.  First up is the trusty "Tattle Poster."  I made this many years ago as a way to get kids to tattle to someone/something other than me!  They know that if it's not an emergency, I don't need to know about it!  I use the president poster but you could also put up a picture of your PAL!  My poor tattle sign is getting a makeover this was so old and tattered, I had to throw it away finally! Click below to snag your own poster!  *I've included President, Principal, Mr. ___, Mrs. ___, Ms. ___, and Miss ___.  There are also black and white versions in case you don't want to use lots of ink!

2.  Next is "Marshmallow Toes."  It's an idea that a co-worker shared with me several years ago.  Basically, you keep a container of marshmallows and poem by your door and at the beginning of the year, you read the poem frequently and pass out a marshmallow to quiet walkers.  It works like a charm.  What little one wouldn't want to get a marshmallow!  If you can't give food out, you could always put pom-poms in the container!  Click the picture to snag your own poster!  *I've included both color and black and white.

3.  The "Lollipop Tree" is a fun little idea that I came across on Pinterest a few years back.  I use it for exemplary behavior.  I mostly use it first semester and sometimes will bring it out instead of my treasure chest later in the year! The kids go nuts for this!  Click the picture below to snag your own poster.  *I've included both color and black and white.

4.  To gather students to the rug, I rely only on my chimes.  These things have been fantastic!  I started signaling the carpet with them several years ago and have used them religiously since!  I never call kids to the rug; I just ding the chimes!  It cuts down on extra noise and I don't have to scream across the room!  It's a great modification for students that are auditory/musical learners, too!  You can order your own set on Amazon.  Click the picture to be directly taken to the chimes page.

I hope you found this post helpful for back to school and all year long!



  1. Marshmallow! Great ideas, Megan!

  2. Love your behavior management ideas! Will be using some in my class this year. Thanks for sharing.!

    Carol T.

  3. I use chimes and a behavior management like marshmallows toes too! I really love the visit to the lollipop tree. It sounds like it is out of Candy Land. I also think the tattling poster is hilarious. I'll have to see if my kids are tattlers this year and then put it up if needed. Thanks for the great ideas!
    Rambling About Reading

  4. OMG - I love all your ideas! I am so happy you posted these! Thank you!

    First Grade Spies

  5. Such great ideas! Thanks for sharing.

    Drowning in Applesauce


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