Monday, November 9, 2015

Pilgrim Days!!!

It's almost time for Pilgrim Days!  Pilgrim Days is my favorite days of the year {with Poetry Cafe being a close second}.  As a child, I remember loving learning about life in the past.  My parents took my brother and I to Williamsburg, VA for a family vacation one year and I can remember it vividly like it was yesterday.

I feel it is important to teach our kids about life in the past.  You know, the life BEFORE computers, tablets, gaming systems, phones, etc, etc, etc.  They need to know that life wasn't always this easy.  A few years ago I created a Pilgrim Day pack to help teach my students about life long ago.  It's loaded with engaging activities that really make your kids FEEL like they are living in the past!  We typically spend 2-3 days doing Pilgrim Day activities and I even come DRESSED as a pilgrim on the first day {last year's photo was terrible b/c I had braces and was sick so I looked a hot mess!}.  Here are some things we do on Pilgrim Day{s}:

-Write on chalk boards
-Compare Pilgrim boys to Pilgrim girls
-Churn butter
-Make bonnets and hats
-Play Pilgrim games
-Hunt and gather
-Compare kids today to Pilgrim children
-Respond to literature
-and MUCH, MUCH, more!

Below are some pictures from Pilgrim Day's of years past.

To check out this phenomenal resource, click below!

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Happy Thanksgiving!


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