Friday, November 13, 2015

5 for Friday 11.14.15

Hi!  TGIF!  I am back linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday.  It has been a few since I linked up!  School has definitely been taking over my life lately!

We've been doing a few Thanksgiving things in class.  So far we have read lots of books and done activities to go with them.  We've been working on story elements and retelling.  We love Bear Says Thanks!  We read that two separate days and then completed a story map booklet from my Differentiated Graphic Organizers pack {which I LOVE and use weekly, BTW!}

We ended conferences last night {PTL!}.  Conference time is so exhausting, isn't it?!?!  I'm glad another year is in the books!  I was reminded how thankful I am to have my conference pack to keep me prepared and organized this year.

We've been using my Thanksgiving Literacy Centers and loving them!  Our favorite is the cvc practice because we get to use little novelty pumpkins as game pieces!

I have plantar fasciitis and it's been really bad for the past 2 years.  I've had injections in my feet and have had to wear only orthodic flip flops basically year round.  As of now {knock on wood}, it seems to be under control!!  I got some insoles specifically for PF and they are amazing.  I am now able to wear all of my old shoes comfortably!  I decided in celebration of my feet, I needed to go boot shopping!  I ended up with 2 pair of boots.  They are so comfy.  I also found a "wide calf" boot because I've been working out/running/lifting since I was 13 years old.  These calves show it!  The boots are a little big in the calves, but I actually like having room.  My other boots are so tight on my calves!  I took these pics for outfit of the day on Instagram but never posted them.  I figured I would post them here!

We are gearing up for Pilgrim Day next week and I can hardly wait!  Pilgrim Day is a day full of engaging learning.  We learn about life in the past and experience it ourselves by playing pilgrim games, writing on chalk boards, telling jokes/riddles, making butter, and MORE!  Check out my most recent blog post about it HERE.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Liveloveserveteach said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Oh my I hear you on the foot issues. I don't have PF but have something that plagues me as well. I buy all my shoes from The Walking Company now and my foot doc made me custom insoles that I put in all my shoes. Since I've been living in the Bahamas and needed sandals and flip flops the ABEO brand from The Walking Company is just the support that my feet require. Hopefully everything is clearing up for you! I feel your pain! Happy Friday!
Joya :)

tidy teacher said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Love your tidy graphic organizers!

Amanda Pauley said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Your outfit is adorable. I have had problems with my feet and my podiatrist wanted me to wear these super ugly old lady shoes. I refused. Instead I do exercises to keep the problem at bay. It stinks when you are forced to wear only certain shoes. Yeah for the new boots!

I love how organized you are! I really try to be organized in my classroom, but after seeing your pics I feel like I have some work to do!

Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

Leslie said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

PF is quite painful and I've only experienced it once. As much as I stand while I'm teaching, I can't imagine how you are able to function. Bless you!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Another year in the books? Do you not have more to go this year? We have them three times a year.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Love your posts. Comfortable boots are hard to find. Do you mind sharing the brand and size?

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

oops, the brand and style...

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