Monday, September 7, 2015

Quiet Reading Time

My classroom and what I teach has certainly evolved over the past 12 years.  However, one constant that hasn't really changed is giving my students the opportunity to enjoy books on a daily basis.  I really value this time and it's non-negotiable with me.  Each day, my students are given 20-30 minutes of uninterrupted quiet reading time.  They shop for 5 books from our classroom library every Monday and store their books in their "book baggies" {AKA gallon ziplock bags} inside their desks. I have my classroom library organized by theme; not leveled.  I personally believe that young, beginning readers should not be restricted to choosing books by level.  I try to foster a love for reading and limiting what books my students look at would do the opposite.  I know some do choose to level and that's perfectly fine.  Everyone has their own philosophies!

During reading time, the kids are allowed to talk quietly as long as they are discussing books/reading. This early in the year, I don't allow my students to sit where they want, but as the year progresses, they will be able to find a seat with friends around the room to read.  The kids are typically very good during reading time because they truly enjoy it!  Early in the year, I do a lot with our "Book Buddies."  Our book buddies are book character stuffed animals that I've collected over the years. Many are from Kohl's Cares for Kids or Barnes and Noble.  If I see someone reading quietly, I will let them choose a buddy to read to.  This helps everyone stay quiet and focused on looking at their books.

Many people have asked if I do "Daily 5."  I do not use the Daily 5 model, but I do all components of it throughout my day and always have.  When I first started teaching, I used 4 Blocks.

Have a great day!


1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on allowing children choose their own books by theme, not levels. If they can't read the words, they read the pictures. (I teach K). I still have some 4 Block books that I was looking at the other day. Seems like what Daily 5 and all the other ideas of today all stem from 4 Block.


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