Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Word Books

During Writing Workshop, kids will often ask me how to spell tricky words, particularly proper nouns.  I typically teach my kids to stretch out tough words early on in the year, when we're working on narrative writing.  However, with proper nouns, I tend to assist them with the spelling.  In the past, I've just written the word on a sticky note or the white board.  This was temporarily effective; when the word came up again in a story another day, the sticky note was long gone and the board was erased.  I knew I wanted to create something simple that my kids could use to keep those "special" words members, places they visit frequently, friends, etc.  because I teach authentic writing and they write about those people and those places. 

I developed my Word Book as a simple solution.  To create the books, just print off a set per child. Print the cover on a colorful piece of card stock {card stock will help the books last all year}.  Bind the books together using a book binding machine, binder rings, or staples...whichever you have readily available.  I believe you can also have them bound at an office supply store, but you might pay a lot.  I got my binding machine from Amazon.  It's the one shown below.  It's a little tricky to have to slide the top handle across to punch the holes.  I was expecting it would have a lever or something to pull up and punch down like the one at my school does.  I'm sure this one was much less expensive than an industrial one.  

I am really excited to introduce these word books to my first graders in the fall.  If you want to take a look, click the cover below.

*This is included in my "Writing Workshop Resources" pack and also my "Writing Workshop Bundle."  If you have either of those, please head to TpT to re-download and grab this for free!  Links to both below to save you time!*


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