Friday, June 12, 2015

5 for Friday 6.12.15

Hi, friends!  I hope your summer is off to a great start {and if yours hasn't begun yet, I hope it does very soon!}!  Today I am back for another 5 for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching!  I spent last week in Nashville for a teacher blogger meet up, so my post will be all about that!  Here we go!

My husband and I love going to Nashville for vacation.  This was our 4th or 5th time there.  It's always a blast!  We got in Thursday night and started our trip right away!  We went to a great place for dinner and drinks.

On Friday, we did some shopping and then went downtown to listen to music and have drinks. Downtown is a blast!  If you ever visit Nashville, you must go downtown!

On Saturday, hubby went golfing and I went to the meet-up!  It was great!  We met in a cute little spot near Vanderbilt University.  There were a lot of us there; many who traveled from out of state to attend!  The event was hosted by all the Nashville bloggers: Greg, LaToya, Alexandria, Cindy, and Dana.  I'd meet all of these lovelies before in French Lick, so it was great to see them again!  The event was sponsered by GoNoodle and EGSI.  Thank you to both!

 The hosts did a great job organizing donations for us!  Check out the swag we got below:

We had a delicious lunch catered by Jim and Nick's BBQ.  The mac and cheese...I have no words.

Here are some photos from the day!  It was great getting to chat with other teacher bloggers!  I wish I would have taken more pictures!

Greg and I {Greg blogs at The Kindergarten Smorgasbord
Me, Stacy, LaToya {LaToya blogs at Flying Into First Grade.  Stacy blogs at Simpson's Superstars}
Me and Cindy {Cindy blogs at Exploring is Elementary}
Lisa, Annie, Me, Amy {Lisa and Amy blog at All Ya'll Need.  Annie blogs at Ride Away with Mrs. Ridgeway}
Me and Emily {Emily blogs at A Neighborhood Kindergarten}

My blogging {and real life} BFF, Missy Squirrels, lives close to Nashville, but couldn't attend the meet-up.  So my friend Stacy and I decided to take a road trip after the day part of the meet-up! Thanks, Stacy, for driving!

Stacy had never met Squirrels before so she was SUPER excited!  She knows her through Instagram {BTW-Squirrels makes the most adorable coozies!  Check out her Etsy shop HERE!}  I hadn't seen Squirrels in over a year, so I was equally excited to reunite!  We met at McDonald's for coffee, chatting, and laughs!  The time went by so quickly!  Before we knew it, it was time to say good-bye and head back to Nashville for dinner.

Me and Squirrels
Stacy and Squirrels
Stacy, Me, Squirrels
Once we got back, we had dinner at Opry Mills and {tried} to go to Opryland for drinks.  Stacy and I got lost once inside the hotel and were 45 minutes late.  It was hilarious but annoying at the same time!  I only got to visit for a little bit at the hotel because my hubby was tired after a long day of golf and was there to pick me up.  Nashville was a great time and I loved getting to re-connect with old and make new friends!

Thanks again to our sponsors and hosts!



  1. Looks like ya'll had a great time. Love your blog. Nice to meet with teacher friends. They truly are the best.

    Kristy from Teaching Times 2


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