Sunday, March 22, 2015


My kids love playing Jeopardy!  It's such a great review game and the competition always gets crazy! We play mostly to review phonics skills, such as our word families or word parts/chunks.

We break into teams and use our dry erase boards.  I like to use the boards so that everyone is actively participating throughout the game.  I place my cards on a pocket chart have the kids divide into teams.  They always like to do boys vs. girls but sometimes I do a mixture.  I take turns choosing 1 person at a time from a team.  They get to say a value and a skill card {for example, someone might say "-ar for 500."  I read the clue aloud and the kids talk among their teams.  Everyone must write the word down.  *I encourage phonetic spelling BUT the kids must have the word chunk/spelling pattern included in their word.

Once the students have their words written, I reveal the answer card {which is really just the picture} and they of course cheer wildly because they are usually correct!  I use a score board that I made to keep track of the points. This is great addition practice!  The kids love seeing the big numbers!  The game continues, alternating teams.

So far, I have created a few Jeopardy games including Bossy r, Magic e, S-Blends, and Short Vowels.  I am working on more!  Click below to check them out.  Purchase the growing bundle for a discounted price!  The price will increase as more games are added.  



  1. HI, I just saw these new activities on TPT! What a terrific idea! I've been looking for more ways to use my pocket chart & know my students would love paying Jeopardy. Thanks, Jen :)

  2. Great idea! Do you think you will bundle these in the near future? Or will they most likely always be sold individually?

  3. What an awesome idea! Thank you for sharing it.

  4. I love these! I used to make these for my sixth graders way back in the day for social studies! We begin bossy r's when we come back from Spring Break! Thanks for another great tool!!

  5. My students LOVE Jeopardy too! I will definitely be checking these out!


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