Friday, February 20, 2015

Five for Friday 2.20.15

On Saturday, I went for my monthly Dream Dinners prep.  This is a place where I go to prep meals for the month.  All meats, spices, sauces, etc.  are there.  I simply follow a prep card and throw the meals in ziplock bags.  It's been such a life-saver!  I started last April and have gone every month.  I have convinced many of my friends to join, too!  To see if there is one in your area, just click here.

My bestie got me Breaking Bad on DVD {Seasons 1-2} for Christmas.  My hubby and I started watching it and can't stop!  We are almost through Season 3 {we were able to find it at a used DVD store}.  It's so good!  Do you watch it?  It's on Netflix, I hear.

Hubby and I went "home" {my hometown} to visit my brother, sis in law, and baby niece on Sunday. She is such a cutie!  We had brunch together and spent some time visiting and playing with the baby. Luckily, they live just an hour and a half away, so we get to see them often.  Here we are taking selfies!

Snow, snow, snow!  I've been hitting the gym regularly despite the frigid temps and buckets of snow! My weekly goal sticky notes seem to help!  I posted about them on my Instagram and people liked it. Basically, I set a weekly goal each week for workouts.  I put that number of sticky notes on my mirror and each time I go I remove one.  It helps me stay on track.

Here's hubby scraping my car for me.  He always does this for me when I have snow days or delays. Such a good boy!

I used one snow day to finally finish up my "Level A-B" guided reading pack!  Remember that this is part of my "Growing Guided Reading Bundle."  As I complete each unit, you'll get access to them by going to your TpT account and re-downloading.  If you've purchased the bundle, please head to TpT to re-download and get levels A-B.  If you haven't seen this, you can check it out below!  People have been loving it so far!  Thank you to all who have purchased it!  It was on the "Top 100 Best Selling Products" last week.  

Have a nice weekend!  I'll see you tomorrow with a little surprise!



  1. Cracking up that he wears shorts to clean off your car?! :)

  2. I LOVE that idea of prepping meals for the month! How awesome that you have that! I have also been watching Breaking Bad!! I binge watch a few shows every weekend. I am almost done with season 2. LOVE it :)

  3. Breaking Bad was one of my favorite shows! I loved the last season and especially the way the series ended! It's a series I need to watch again! Have a great weekend!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  4. Shoot, we don't have Dream Dinners close by. It looks like a lifesaver! I watched the first season of Breaking Bad about 2 weeks ago and didn't like it...yet. Should I continue? I'm onto Scandal and Parenthood now (netflix).
    Fun post, Jen

  5. I was thinking about restarting Breaking Bad too. I watched I think 2 episodes and didn't love them. Maybe I should give it another try! Your guided reading bundle looks awesome!

  6. Oh My Gosh I love that he has on shorts! Here in Louisiana we dream of snow but just end up with ice. We would not know how to react if we had all of that snow.

  7. I love how dedicated you are with your fitness and healthy lifestyle. Cold days usually get me lazy ha!


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