Friday, January 23, 2015

Five for Friday 1.23.15

Hi everyone!  It's Friday!  Hooray!  I hope you had a great week.  What are your plans this weekend? I have a jammed-packed weekend of fun including a Grand Opening for my husband's financial advising office, dinner/drinks with friends, and some QT with my college bestie.  I can't wait for tomorrow to come and go!   I'm liking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for another Five for Friday.  It's 9:45 on Thursday night and I am tired, so without further ado, here is my weekly re-cap:

The last two weeks have been crazy with the weather in Ohio.  On Friday, we read Snow Day, made some cute snow kids from Laura Bensley, and wrote about what we like to do on a snow day.  I forgot to snap a shot of our writing!  Dang!

Also on Friday {evening}, the Mr. and I went to see Florida Georgia Line!  They are so good!  You can always tell who's "got it" when you see people perform live.  FGL seemed so down to earth and fun!  I can imaging partying with them would be insane!

About two years ago, a little brewery opened so close to our house.  We had never gone there for some reason...I think we thought it was just for kegs and/or growlers.  This past weekend we decided to pop in and check it out and it was awesome!  They were running low and only had 3 beers to choose from {again, a very little brewery!} but all 3 were delicious.  We are going back this weekend!  I love supporting local businesses!

On Monday {MLK Jr. Day}, my Dove Dark told me to relax.  So I did.  It was glorious.

As I mentioned above, my hubby is having a Grand Opening for his new office!  He's a financial advisor and just opened his own office!  Hooray!  So proud of him!  We spent some time shopping to prepare for it.  We don't have a truck, so..........I'll let the picture do the talking!

PS-I have one more item!  Growing Firsties {Lisa} and I are having a great winter giveaway that ends this weekend!  Don't miss out on the chance to win one of $25.00 TPT gift certificates AND/OR $15.00 to each of our stores!!!!!  Click the image below to go enter!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Checking out your blog from the Doodle Bugs linky party! You have an awesome blog! Happy Friday!

  2. Totally want that book-perfect for winter in Ohio!

  3. And now...this is how we roll.... is playing in my head! It's a very catchy tune. Glad you enjoyed the concert!
    Teachers Are Terrific!


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