Sunday, January 25, 2015


So it just occurred to me that I have lots of folders full of pictures that I intended on posting about but forgot with the holidays/after winter break back to school frenzy!  This week you'll be seeing several posts about things that we did a month or so ago!  First up: blends!  I don't have a lot of pictures from this but we did spend a week or so on them and I'll share what I do have.

I usually begin the lesson with some direct instruction.  I like to focus on one consonant blend group at a time {ie: s-blends, r-controlled blends, etc...}.  I introduce it and we make an anchor chart together where the kids brainstorm words for me to write.  We also read through our poem of the week, that is one of the blends we'll be focusing on.

We play games, watch one of my favorite You Tube videos each day, and practice again in RTI/Reading Groups.

I include blends activities into my centers the week after I've taught them in class.  This ensures that kids are getting a review after they've learned the concept.

Most activities we use are from my Skating Through Blends Pack.  I also have Blends Flashcards that are great for a quick review.  I like to have my volunteer/tutor use them with her students.  I also use them in reading group and for playing "Around the World" in class.   The board game above is included in my Reading Foundational Skills Pack.

This little set includes a blend find-a-friend game.

Have a nice Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. I'm the same way! I have all these pictures that I need to put on my blog sooner or later. :) I love all of your activities for teaching blends!


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