Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Makin' Memories

Who doesn't love a good photo album/memory book?  Looking back on years past and feeling nostalgic about great times... Because of my nostalgic spirit, I created a "Memory Book" for my students last summer.  This past year {2013-2014} was the first time I implemented it and...it was a HIT!!!  I am excited to share more about it with you today.

In years past, I would find myself taking 10,000 pictures of my kids and then paying $10,000 to get them printed off.  I would try to come up with let's say 20 or so photos per kid.  Like I said-$10,000 to print them!  I would cut up a bazillion pieces of construction paper and make little "scrapbooks" for the kids. They would get to glue their pictures in and I'd have to laminate the covers and figure out a way to get a hole punch through 20-some memory books.  All while thinking of the ever-growing end-of-year to-do list.  I knew there had to be a better way to capture those memories throughout the year, without spending a fortune, and without spending lots of time.  That's when "Makin' Memories" was born!

Here's how it works: I print off the memory book pages for the year {you can do one month at a time if this stresses you out!}.  Each month, I distribute ONE page {for that month} to my kids {this is a whole-group activity}. I pass out patterns {where necessary} and craft supplies and they create that month's memory page.  The crafts are simple-no paint, just scrapbook paper, glitter pens, and of course, googly eyes and pom-poms!  We let the pages dry and I file them away.  Repeat for every month.  Come May/June, BAM! You have an entire year's worth of memories!  Yes, there are a few photos included...1st day, last day, etc...but this project only costs pennies compared to what I had been spending!  So back to May/June-I put the books in order {great time to recruit an older student!}, have the kids decorate a cover, and use the binding machine {or stapler or yarn} to hook those suckers together.  I distribute them during our Poetry Cafe at the end of the year and both parents and kids alike cheer!  It's amazing.  Why didn't I think of it sooner?

Below are some photos from the memory book!  Take a peek!  I know you will love it as much as I do!

September Page 

February Page 

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