Friday, May 2, 2014

Farm Animal Research

After wrapping up our "All About" animal research projects, we moved on to farm animals!  We are taking a field trip to the farm next week and I wanted my students to have a good background about farm animals, as many of them have never had the opportunity to visit a farm.

We began with a K-W-L about farms in general.   The kids came up with some great questions for this! Next, we chose our groups for our research project!  I had pre-selected 5 animals and pulled sticks to allow kids to choose their animals.  They browsed the books and colored their covers on the first day.  They were pumped to find lots of elements of non-fiction!  You'd think they had hit the lottery when they found a TABLE OF CONTENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

We'll be working through each over the course of the week.  Stay tuned for some SUPER AWESOME art projects to go with our research writing!

I also integrated the farm into our Reading block.  We've been reading lots of good, non-fiction farm books! We did a fun inference activity with a farm theme from One Extra Degree!  I'm not sure what grade level her pack was intended for, but my first graders rocked it!   I introduced inference and we did several examples from Amanda's pack together first.  Then, I put kids in groups, with one person {a strong reader} to be the "reader."  That person read the passages and then the kids discussed what their inferences were.  I was blown away by their work!  Almost every group inferred correctly/logically for each little story prompt!

This recording sheet is not included--I created it for my first graders.
Our word chunks that we learned this week just so happened to be the diphthongs oi/oy...they went nicely with pigs and "oink!"  We did a Scoot game from my "Chunking Words" pack.  We also did a Feed the Pig game from The First Grade Parade.  We've used this little activity for 3 years now!

We're so excited about our trip to the farm!  What fun field trips do you take?


1 comment:

  1. Your farm writing pack looks awesome! Those books you are using look perfect too.


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