Friday, April 11, 2014


This past week was my first week back after spring break and I felt EXHAUSTED every single night! I could barely do anything for school!  I was lucky to even eat!  I think it may have been because I did some serious relaxation for spring break.  My hubby and I traveled to Florida for the week and hung out in the sun!  It was so nice!  I unplugged for the week; I spent minimal time on my phone, zero time on Facebook/Blog/Pinterest, and just enjoyed myself and my family.  We went to the pool and beach, had lots of yummy food and drinks, played with my parents' new pup, Daisy {so cute and fun!!!}, visited an orange grove/factory, a severe sunburn on the back of my legs.  Fell asleep at the pool.  With no sunscreen on my legs.  For 2 hours.  Ouch!!

It was so great to take a break from all of life's demands.  As teachers, we work so incredibly hard.  We must remember to reward ourselves with the gift of relaxation every now and then.  Have a great weekend!



1 comment:

  1. I love that you had a chance to unplug! My break is coming up next week and I'm hoping to do a little of the same. Have a great week!

    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans


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