Saturday, April 19, 2014

5 for Friday

Hi!  Happy Easter weekend!  I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for 5 for Friday {it's been a hot minute...}!  WARNING--THERE IS A CREEPY BUG PICTURE AT THE END OF MY POST!  EEK!

1.  We did a lot of fun Easter activities last week, including these "Contraction Egg Matches."  Grab the recording sheets for free by clicking HERE.

2.  I've been working on this and it will be posted very soon!  Keep an eye out! 

3.  We completed our first "ALL ABOUT" non-fiction report books!!  Big blog post coming soon about them!  

4.  I am looking forward to seeing this pup today!!  She's such a sweetie!

5.  I started my day off {Friday} with this.  In my shower.  I was FREAKING OUT.  Hubby wasn't home, so I had to go at it alone.  I did manage to take a picture of it thought {obviously; who wouldn't stop to snap a photo?}.

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Happy Easter!


  1. The bug is a silverfish:

  2. I get those little buggers all the time. Luckily I have two cats who will chomp them up if they spot them! Once, I was drying my hair and one of my cats went flying behind me (saw her in the mirror) at head level! She had slammed into a centipede climbing the shower curtain behind me and crunched it right in half. She. saved. my. life. ;)

  3. I found you from the Five for Friday Linky and I absolutely LOVE your blog! It is so cheerful and happy. I've taught first grade for 10 years, too. I am snatching up your Egg-cellent Contractions sheet. My students are practically obsessed with plastic eggs and they will love this activity. Thank you for sharing and I will be back soon!

  4. Yes, that is a disgusting bug, ewwwww! I love your Egg-cellent Contractions, along with the whole set up with the buckets and eggs, how cute! The kiddos really love those extras!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

  5. Do shapes now! Looking forward to seeing your shapes unit!


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