Friday, June 8, 2012

Classroom Library Organization

I have been organizing my library by theme for the past 5 years.  It is my personal belief that to get children excited about reading, they must have a choice in what they are reading.  I have lived through the era of having strictly a leveled library in my classroom.  I did that for several years.  When students were limited to only books on "their level," they quickly lost interest.  It was also very difficult for me to have a wide variety of books on each level.  Having a visually appealing library with lots of selection is very important to me in my first grade classroom.  Below, you will see some photos of my library.  My students have constant access to it.  My bins shown on the top shelf were purchased at Really Good Stuff.  They have been holding up excellently!  My lager bins were found at Dollar Tree.  They have been holding up ok...a few have cracked when they got over-loaded.  I use traditional colors in my classroom and my teaching partner uses my black and white set in her classroom!  Click the product pictures to view my library labels.  I have three color choices for you to choose from!

The first set is black and white polka dot.  The next set is very colorful (red, orange, yellow, green, blue).  The last set is clean and simple with plain black borders. 



  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! I put it on my wish list!! You have covered like all the themes I have in my books!! What a great resource!!


  2. I love the bright colors you used in your book labels. I will check them out.

    I', your newest follower and I would love for you to follow me.

    I teach 1st.
    Kelly @I'm not Your Grandpa, I'm your Teacher

  3. Hi! I just found your blog. I am your newest follower. I would love to have you visit my blog.


  4. I love this! It's on my wishlist. I also teach 1st grade, so I love your stuff!
    :) Dana
    Stop by & visit me at Fun in 1st Grade

  5. Hey Megan-
    I can't find an email address for you & I wanted to let you know how to have a reply link under each comment. Email me at when you get a chance & I'll send you the directions! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  6. I love these!! I would love the primary color set (the first one) Thanks so much!
    Julie Davis


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