Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Morning Message

Each day, my students and I read through a morning message.  Most of the time, these are pre-written.  However, sometimes we will write them together.  Things that I focus on in the message are:

-Phonics dance chunks in context
-Word family of the week in context
-Capital letters
-Correct letter size/formation
-Sight words

This is a shared writing activity, where students come up and "share the marker" with me to help spell words, hunt for specific words, etc...It only takes about 8-10 minutes.  They enjoy doing it.  Sometimes, for a change, I will type the message in a document and project it onto the front board.  They like coming up to use a dry erase marker...No smart boards at my school yet!  I keep my messages simple; some messages are only 2-3 sentences and others are longer.

I leave the old messages in the spiral tablet, and the kids are obsessed with coming up and reading them.  I also type them up and put them in a binder for them to read at their seats or in their laps.

Here are some fun tools I use to keep the message engaging:

-Wikki Sticks (make into rings or ovals and have students "circle" specific words/letters)
-Highlighter tape
-Yellow markers
-Fun pointers/flyswatters
-White-out tape...for mistakes!


What ideas do you have for your morning messages?


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love that you keep a record of the messages! What a great idea. I'm definitely implementing this into my class next year. It will help me to keep track of pacing year to year too. Thanks for sharing :)

Literacy Teacher said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I use to do a similar morning message when I was a first grade teacher. I love the way you present yours. The binder idea is great, too!
Thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Great Idea!!!

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