Sunday, August 21, 2011

My 1st Grade Classroom Photos

Math Reference Area 

Calendar Area
Poem of the Week Board 
Birthday and Give Me 5 Posters
Hallway Display...this cutie poster from CTP stays up all year! 
Student desks 
Cubbies and Mailboxes 
Guided Reading Table
My work area 
Classroom Library 
Interactive Word Wall--Love.
My personal library...I have an obsession with picture books.


  1. Your classroom looks lovely! It's so bright and organized! I love all of your plastic storage (sounds kind of funny, but not to a teacher!).

    I'm a 4th/5th grade ELL teacher...don't know if that will help with your list. Good luck with the beginning of a new year!
    Ladybug's Teacher Files

  2. Your classroom looks terrific! And it looks so large. Is it a big space? Nice work! And best wishes for the start of the new school year.
    First Impressions

  3. I want to come back! It looks great! : )

  4. You room looks awesome! It makes me sad looking at the pictures because all I want to do is come back now!

  5. Looking at these pictures makes me want to come back so bad but it looks awesome! : )

  6. Your classroom looks great! I love the interactive word wall. Did you add magnets to all of your words?

  7. Hi, Emily! Yes, I attached magnetic tape to the back of the words and alphabet cards. It took awhile, but was well worth it. This is my 2nd year using the interactive word wall and I LOVE IT!!!

  8. Everything looks great!! :)

  9. Your classroom looks so neat and organized! I love your class library boxes. I also really like your interactive word wall! I want to do this so bad. Not sure how to change mine. I have to lean over/climb onto a table to add new words to my word wall, which wouldn't be such a great idea for the littles.

  10. Thanks for linking up!!!! Your classroom library is soooo bright and organized! Amy


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