Friday, April 7, 2017

Five for Friday 4.7.17

TGIF!  I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for another Five for Friday.  

I went back to work last week after 11 weeks off due to shoulder surgery.  It was ROUGH but I made it.  Every night I came home sorer than the previous night.  By Friday, I was in a LOT of pain. Luckily my sub stayed with me for the first day back.  I was able to watch her and see where she was as far as content.  I surprised my sub and I decided not to tell them.  They were so happy!  I brought donuts and milk to celebrate.

I didn't take many pictures last week--too busy to snap them, but I did manage to take a picture of one of my favorite packs in use, my "Long Vowels and Vowel Teams" pack.  Here the kids were matching pictures to words and writing them on the provided recording sheet.  We've been reviewing one vowel and its vowel team patterns each week in centers.

In the midst of heating up my rice bag for my shoulder and many cups of hot water for tea, I managed to ruin our microwave...the repairman said heating things that aren't food can blow the main circuit board.  I decided it was time to invest in a tea kettle.  I got this cute Le Creuset one:

I did some Math rotations for Math one day last week.  We're working hard on meeting our subtraction fluency goal, so the centers focused on that.  I used printables from my "Subtraction Games on the Fly" pack.  *Click the cover below to check it out!  To group my kids, I use colorful ponytail holders.  This allows me {and them} to quickly identify who is in which group.

My long term sub was SO good!  She instantly built rapport with all of my students.  She communicated with me throughout my time off, as she knew I'd never been out long-term and was terrified of leaving my room.  My room was in great shape when I went back to work.  What a blessing!  Halfway through the week, she stopped by and left me this sweet note and a DONUT POINTER!  She knows my love for all things donuts!  My kids love using it during our Phonics lessons!!!

For April Fool's Day {actually I did this on Friday}, I brought in some "BROWN E'S" for my kids.  I told them all morning that I'd leave them on their desks when they go to lunch/recess.  When they came back, they were surprised at what was there!  Hahaha!  Fortunately for them, I made real brownies for them, too!  You can grab the "Brown E's" freebie below to file away for next year!

Hope you have a nice weekend.  I've been fighting the flu this week and it has been a KILLER.  I missed several {more} days of work.  Luckily, my long term sub was available and I didn't have to do sub plans.  I physically couldn't get out of bed for 3 days.  I am SO over being pent up in the house! 11 weeks was long enough!



Thanks for your comments!