Friday, October 14, 2016

5 for Friday 10.14.16

Happy Friday!  I'm linking up with Doodlebugs Teaching for another Five for Friday!

Last weekend I met up with my BFF and we went to an awesome traveling boutique EXPO!  It was so cool!  There were tons of Air-stream trailers and little vendors that sold the cutest clothes, jewelry, and home goods!  I of course had to take my festive coffee coozie by my blogging bestie, Missy Squirrels! Tis the season!

 Below are a few of my purchases!  Love them!!

Speaking of the season, I'm getting excited about doing my Little Green Witch activities!  This is one of my favorite products in my TpT store.  The story is so cute and I love all the activities that my kids do after reading.  There are written response papers, a craft, vocab, and much more!  Click below to check it out!  Perfect for this time of year!


I recently picked up this cordless light switch and I placed it behind my Guided Reading table.  When I am meeting with a group {or individual students}, I turn it on.  The kids know they CAN NOT interrupt me unless it's an absolute emergency.  It's great!  Get one for yourself below!!!


My Growing Differentiated Math Games Bundle has had two recent additions lately: Addition and Subtraction! We've been having a lot of fun playing games from both!  Grab the growing bundle below!  It currently has: Number Sense, Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction.  Coming later are Measurement and Data and Geometry.

Look at this great idea using all those mini-erasers we all have from the Target Dollar Spot!  This idea is from We Heart First.

Have a beautiful weekend!

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