Saturday, September 3, 2016

September 11 Ideas

September 11 will be here next weekend.  Each year, I try to teach my first graders a little about what happened.  It's inevitable that they will see it all over the news, so I like to break it down in a way that's easy for them to understand.  I also focus on the GOOD that came with that horrible day...the way people helped one another, the emergency response members, the military, etc...Below are a few ideas that I use each year.

Online Resources--Scholastic has some information that you may find helpful.  You can find it by clicking HERE.  Brain Pop has a September 11 video.  Grab it HERE {only if you have a subscription}.  I haven't personally viewed this so I can't say if it's appropriate for 1st graders or not.  I use Brain Pop Jr. and this isn't on there. 

Books--I rely heavily on picture books to teach MANY things to my first graders.  They break information down in a way that makes it easy for kids to understand.  I have a handful of books that I read the day or two before September 11.  Below are the ones I like to use.  I have included links below in case you want to get some.


Coloring Pages--Mel has had these freebies for many years now.  They are great to use after reading a book.

Book--I found this printable coloring book on TpT a couple years ago.  It's great for explaining Patriot Day.

Craft Projects--The firefights craft is part of a package I got off TpT from We Heart EDU.  The 9.11 twin towers is a free craft I found off TpT that you can get HERE.

Hope this gives you a few ideas.


*This post contains affiliate links.  The books shown are books I have used for years and recommend.

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