Sunday, September 25, 2016

Launching Writing Workshop

I typically don't start Writing Workshop until about 3 weeks into the school year.  As you know, I'm a stickler for establishing routines/procedures and building rapport with my students.  The academic "stuff" can come later!  We've been at the workshop for a couple weeks now and it's going well. Today I wanted to take a few minutes to highlight a few things we've been doing in our Personal Narrative Writing Unit.

Day 1 of the workshop was all about getting kids excited about writing!  We talked about why we need to learn how to write and all of the uses we have for writing in our lives.  We also established the procedures/rules for the workshop together.  Then I read "My Picture Story" and we discussed how we can express ourselves through our pictures in writing workshop.  I gave kids time to draw their first "story" followed by time to share with a sharing circle.


As the days went on, we got into more "meat and potatoes."  One of my favorite things to introduce are "writing tool rings."  These are included in my Writing Resources Pack.  I print them small so they aren't bulky for my kids' little hands.  They keep these in their school boxes and pull them out whenever they need them during writing or any other time.


We spent a few days learning how to search for sight words on our sight word cards.  The kids helped me write a couple stories that I needed sight word help with.

We have been spending time on learning about capital letter use.  Again, we had a few mini-lessons on this tricky skill and made an anchor chart to keep up for reference.

This week, we'll review capital letters and move on to adding more to our stories!  Can't wait!

Everything shown in this post is included in my Writing Workshop Bundle.  Grab my year-long writing workshop bundle below and save $$!


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