Friday, September 16, 2016

5 for Friday 9.16.16

TGIF!  I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for 5 for Friday!  I love these posts and have been sad that I haven't had time to do them lately!  Here we go!

I recently posted a "Where Are We?" poster set to help with letting others know where you or your class is throughout the day.  Just hang outside your room and have your helper switch the card when you go somewhere!  Also included in this little ditty is a "What We Have Today" poster to help eliminate kids asking what special you have constantly!  Click the cover to check it out.

We started centers {finally} this week!  The kids have been having fun at the listening center, the Ipad center, and a few word work centers!  This week we used centers from my "Back to School BBQ" pack.  The pack contains simple centers that beginning of the year first graders should be able to complete independently.

I made this little band-aid box for my kids so I don't have to be the one getting them a band-aid every time they need one.  The only rule?  They have to ask and show me their "injury" first.  9 times out of 10 it's as big as a pinhead and isn't bleeding.  Can't be wasting band-aids!  #bandaidlockdown  The Vaseline and Q-tips are in there for chapped lips.  This eliminates the kids going to the clinic.  *I am the only one who can dip into the Vaseline for the kids.  Can't be having double-dippers!

We have had 3 Spelling tests so far this year and the kids have been practicing each Friday with one of my activities from my "Spelling on the Fly" pack.  I keep copies of each activity in a labeled file folder for quick access!  The kids LOVE the texting practice!!!

This summer, I began a workout log.  I record every day that I work out and include what body part I worked and what cardio I did.  I also log how long I did each activity.  This keeps me accountable!  I found this picture in my phone and thought I'd share the idea because it's been helpful!  I ended August with 17 workouts, which isn't too shabby considering school started the second week of the month!  I will keep this log all year.

Have a great weekend!

PS-Have you seen Stella and Dot's new Fall line?  Isn't the tassel necklace gorgeous!?!?!?  {excuse the awkward selfie} Wear each strand individually or wear them both together for a BIG statement! Get it HERE.

And I wear my "REBEL PENDANT" all the time.  Such a great, everyday piece.  Get it HERE in gold, silver, or Rose gold.


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