Saturday, August 20, 2016

Back to School with Udderly Smooth

Hi, friends!  Today I am here to share an exciting giveaway with you!  I'm back in the swing of things at school and my hands are suffering.  All the constant hand-washing and paper-handling has my hands feeling RAW!  Luckily, I've teamed up with "Udderly Smooth" for an awesome giveaway!  I love to keep a tube of Udderly Smooth Hand Cream on my desk.  I use it each time I wash my hands to keep my hands feeling soft!  Today, you have the chance to win an Udderly Smooth prize pack as well as a $100 gift card to Wal-Mart!!!  Enter by completing the Rafflecopter below!  Best of luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. I couldn't enter because it says that the contest hasn't started yet.

  2. @Chantelle Hi! It's open now. Thanks for your patience!


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