Monday, January 12, 2015

Magic E

It's that time of year!  Magic e!  I love teaching my kids about the magic e because it means they have really grown as readers!  I know that they are secure in their short vowel/word family skills and are ready to MOVE ON!  I started magic e last Monday.  We then did not have school Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.  Friday I continued with magic e.  Today, we do not have school.  Ahhh! Luckily, I have gobs of fun activities to help teach my first graders about this sneaky e.  I'll be continuing on with my magic e instruction the rest of this week and as with anything, I'll spiral review it as the weeks go on.

I always start magic e with a poem:

Then I show the kids how to take cvc words and add a magic e to the end.  We talk about how the e makes the vowel shout its name.  I make an anchor chart of words with the kids.  This chart grows as the week goes on.

Every year, we watch my favorite Youtube video of all time: The Electric Company's "Silent e."  It's so catchy. We watch it like 3 times a day.  Every day.  LOL!  Click HERE to see it.

We practice writing cvc words and then making them into magic e words on our dry erase mats.  This is led by me on the board {and my magic e wand!}.

We play games, like my dice game shown below:

We also read our poem throughout the week.  To see more about how I use poetry, click here.

Next week, our centers will mostly be magic e centers to review the concept.

I also work on magic e in my reading groups.  We do more mat work and review these flash cards daily:

To check out all of my magic e stuff, click below!  I just posted Magic e Fluency Strips and they are on sale.

I'm hoping we'll be back to school tomorrow so we can actually get some learning done!  Have a great day and don't forget...........TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT!  #askmrswheeler 8:30-9:30 EST on  my Mrs. Wheeler Facebook fan page.  You ask, I answer.  Live.  Click here to see what it's all about. Hope to see you all!


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