Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Me Time Monday

Hi everyone!  Today I am linking up with Amanda over at One Extra Degree for "Me Time Monday." I am a work-aholic and am trying to find balance this summer...last summer I worked my time away and the sun and warm temps disappeared right before my eyes.

My husband and I love to travel!  In fact, so far this year, we've traveled to Orange County, California, San Fransisco, California, Dallas, Texas, and Salt Lake City, Utah.  In a few weeks, we're headed to Las Vegas, Nevada!  Hopefully, we'll hit up either Florida or Nashville late summer, as well.   

Salt Lake City, Utah
Bradenton, Florida
In addition to traveling, I also enjoy a good pool!  I spend a lot of my summer time relaxing at the pool with a celeb trash magazine and a big jug of water!

I try not to work too much in the summer, but when I do, here is where you will find me! My goal this summer is to only be on the computer a little each day for work and the rest can be for "play..." surfing Pinterest, checking email, etc...

Tinkering around the house is something I love.  We've lived in our house for 8 years, so there isn't much left to do in the way of decorating.  We've had it the way we love it for a few years now.  It's still always fun to move things around to make your decorations feel "new."  Recently, we purchased a new desk and created a place to pile school and TpT stuff work space for me in the basement.  

Catching up with friends and family is always a lot of fun during the summer.  My family, along with several of my good friends live out of town, so lots of day/weekend trips happen in the summer!

My brother and sis-in-law
College roomies and friends!
Mostly, I love being outdoors in the summer.  Listening to music, having a refreshing beverage, or just walking around is where you'll find me!
Summer concerts!
So how do you make "me time" in the summer!?  Link up with Amanda!  



  1. i love that last picture of you guys!! now that i know ou for realz, i just wanna go hang out now - ha!


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