Saturday, November 30, 2013

Black Friday & Weekly Math Tubs

Hi everyone! I hope you're having a restful break!  I've had a great Thanksgiving break so far!  In case you missed my earlier post about Thanksgiving, click here!

Whew!  Did you survive the Black Friday madness?  I went out with my sister and law and mom and we shopped from about 9:00 am-4:00 pm.  None of us had anything that we had to get, so that made our day easier.  We are not maniacs that wait in line for stuff!  Are you?!  What was it like?  I saw several You Tube videos of fights breaking out in Walmart over DVD's.  Seriously?  A $5.00 DVD?  I mean....

Good deals that I got included:

1. Makeup kits from Sephora-I am a makeup fanatic!  I was able to get lots of goodies for friends and family members {but then I realized I didn't get any makeup for myself...what the ___?}.

2.  Some clothes from Target-I love nice quality clothes, but you can't beat a cute top or $5.00 leggings from Tar-jay.  OH--and speaking of Target: reminder that this is the last day to purchase my product of the month: "Reading Foundational Skills Pack" and be entered into a drawing to win a $50.00 Target g.c.  Just in time for Christmas!  I have sold some this month, but not a ton, so your chances of winning are great!   I am obsessed with this set!  It's great for RTI, guided reading, or centers. Click the cover below to take a peek.

3.  Victoria's Secret gift sets-These were a STEAL!  2 sets for $15.00?  I think so.  I am going to give these out to co-workers.
4.  PJ's from Old Navy-$12.00 for pj's?  I think so.

I took a quick 5 minute power nap and my hubby and I headed out for round 2!  Another 5 hours of shopping!  Needless to say, I was tuckered out last night!  BUT, I am up bright and early today getting ready to go out and shop local!  My family has owned a small business {flower shop} my entire life, so naturally I am going out shopping to support local businesses in my area!

Before I head out, here's a peek at my upcoming Math Tubs.  Everything shown is from my "Sweet Christmas Centers" pack.

1.  "Candy House"-Students sort the facts and record them on their papers.

2. "Cookie House"-Students play with a partner and take turns spinning the spinner to land on even or odd.  They cover a corresponding house with their chips.  Winner has the most chips at the end!

 3.  "Stocking Stuffers"-Students match the number patterns to the cards and record their numbers on the recording sheet.

4.  This will be the good 'ole computer center!  I recently discovered Johnnie's Math Page and am obsessed!  The kids love all the games, too!

Have a great day and weekend!  Don't forget that TpT's big Cyber Monday-Tuesday Sale is Monday!  I'm putting my entire store 20% off.  Use code "CYBER" at checkout to get an additional 10% off!


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