Sunday, November 3, 2013


Developing a strong number sense in the primary grades is so important, wouldn't you agree?  I tend to go very sloooowwww in Math the first two months of school so that I can help my students get a grasp on numbers.  Having a good grip on them makes the rest of the learning in Math so much easier for our little ones!  I am glad that the new Common Core Standards place more of an emphasis on fact fluency.  I know that many teachers in the upper grades say that their students are struggling to learn their times tables because they can't add.  Because multiplication is repeated addition, not knowing facts=problem.

We began our study of addition with making 10.  That's a big standard that the kids have to know and again, it's a good foundation for them to have.  I was surprised at the good resources I found out there for teaching making 10.  My favorite find was a FREEBIE from Just Reed called "The Queen of 10."  It was fabulous for a few days of practice!  I love the unifix cube visuals.  I am going to keep them up on my board for awhile.  The mini-book was also awesome!

We used our 10 frames "{compliments of Jen at The Teacher's Cauldron}, our 2-sided chips, and a little recording sheet that I made and practiced.  I was super-pumped because the day we did this was the first time I'd used my new document camera {compliments of my awesome principal!!!}.  Let's not notice the fact that I couldn't really figure it out so I had to color my 10-frames upside down! Ha!

The kids LOVED playing my Tricky-10 Frame game, which is a freebie in my store.

We did lots of adding/number sense activities in our Math tubs, as well.  The crayon box sort is from Cara's Ready, Set, Learn pack.  The domino adding is from Tanja's Mad for Math pack.  The part-part-total plates are mine that I made several years ago.

We talked about how everyone learns differently, and therefore can use whatever strategies work best for them.  I introduced each strategy and gave kids a chance to practice.  I hung up my anchor chart that I made a few years back.  It's an oldie but goodie!  

We'll continue to get better at our Math facts and practice them daily.  I like to play Around the World with flash cards, as well as Addition Bingo.  What fun ways do you practice Math facts?


Becky said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Number sense is so important! Thanks so much for the freebies. The tens frame activities are great.

Compassionate Teacher

alwayskindergarten said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

This is a great post! Thank you for all the freebies and resources.

A. Reed said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates
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Monica Gadson said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hi. I tried downloading the Queen of 10 but it opened in Scribd and requires a fee based subscription. Is there any way to download it as a freebie? Thanks. Sorry if you receive multiple comments. I am having tech problems.

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